Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Loving You Against My Will ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer - It's not mine, never was.

A/N - Okay, here's the next one. Hope you guys are enjoying this. Well, I'll quit babbling and let you get on with the reading. Later A.A.

Loving You Against My Will

-Your love is like a deep, dark river -

- Pulling me out to sea -

- The harder I try to resist you -

- The weaker I seem to be -

Relena shuffled the mounds and mounds of endless paperwork around her desk and let out a disgusted sigh. She was at her office in the middle of the city, trying to get some work done. Unfortunately, everything seemed to be going wrong today. She had spilled her morning cup of coffee all over herself this morning, effectively ruining her silk blouse. She had changed, but the day seemed to be made from hell. Not long after that, her secretary had brought in a pile of paperwork that would have made anyone cringe. Now, she was stuck doing paperwork until god knew what time tonight.

She could have dealt with all of that easily. She was a politician after all. But about mid-day, she had received a call from her brother Milliardo, informing her that her date with James Dowdry had been cancelled due to security risks. She had tried to reason with her brother, but nothing would work. He had told her that the Head of the Security Department felt as though her safety was in danger, and called the politician to tell him that Relena couldn't make it. Relena had slammed the phone down, effectively disturbing the Preventor that lounged around her office - another security measure brought on by her loving, albeit overprotective, brother-.

It was after lunch already, and Relena knew that it was time to change shifts for the Preventors. 'Time for another babysitter.' she thought angrily. 'I hope it's not Wufei's turn again. He nearly drove me crazy the last time he had a shift with me!'

Her silent prayers were answered when there was a knock at her office door. The Preventor on duty, a young woman with coal black hair, and a mean trigger finger, went to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Sandy." came the cheerful voice of one of Relena's dearest friends. "Didn't know you had duty today. What's up?" The two Preventors exchanged pleasantries for a few moments and Relena heard the door shut as the woman left. She glanced up and noticed that the Deathscythe pilot was holding a brown bag and a cup holder with four cups of some type of steaming hot liquid in them.

"Hey, princess." he said, depositing the bag and drinks on the edge of her desk. "Having fun?"

"Need you ask, Duo?" she retorted sharply, gesturing to the paperwork surrounding her. The American pilot snickered and put one of the cups down in front of her. Relena peered into its contents and let a smile escape her lips. It was hot cocoa and marshmallows, her favorite drink on a cold day. She glanced outside and noticed that it was still snowing. It had been snowing all day long, and now there were mounds of the white, fluffy powder covering the streets. Duo then pulled out some sandwiches from the bag and gave them to her.

"You brought me lunch?" she asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I'm under orders from numerous people to make sure that you don't run yourself into the ground before your next meeting." he said, remembering the threat that Heero had given him only minutes beforehand. "Besides, you need your strength for tonight. You're going out with old Dowdry aren't you? Can't have you passing out on him because of malnutrition. He'd probably go hide in an alleyway somewhere if something happened to you." Relena smiled and shook her head.

"As much as you're probably right," she said. "You don't have to worry about me passing out. I'm not going anywhere tonight."

"What? Why not?" Duo asked, munching into a sandwich.

"Milliardo called me this morning and said that the Head of the Security Department thought that it was a 'security risk' for me to be with James. So, he took it upon himself to call and cancel the reservations, as well as call James and tell him that I couldn't come." Relena answered flippantly. "I don't know why Mark is doing this. This is the third time I've had to cancel in three weeks. All because the Head of the Security Department thinks that it's a risk." Duo tried to hide a grin that threatened to erupt.

Heero had been back at the Preventor Headquarters for going into a month now, and it looked like he was trying to extinguish any and all contact between Relena and the colony politician that had been taking up so much of her time away from the office. 'Someone's getting jealous.' Duo mused to himself. 'Someone is getting really jealous.' When Heero had returned, he had changed a lot of what the Preventors had been previously doing. In fact, Relena hadn't been anywhere except the office or her home in the past month.

"It's driving me crazy! I can't go anywhere anymore. And the security has gotten worse in the last few weeks. I think old Mark is becoming paranoid, or he's taking lessons from Heero Yuy's book." she said, finishing off one of the sandwiches. Duo choked back what he was swallowing at the mention of the Wing Zero pilot. Mark Thomason was the Head of the Security Department before Une had brought Heero back. Although the man still held the position, Heero was basically the new Head. No one had told Relena that Mark had temporarily been replaced by the very man she was in love with, and it was supposed to stay that way. Unfortunately, Duo's impulsive side, and big mouth, took over and he blurted out the one thing no one else needed to know, especially Relena.

"Yeah, that new Head Security man is tough. He's been driving us crazy for the past month." Relena looked at him and frowned, and Duo wanted to kick himself in the ass for saying that.

"New Security Head?" she asked. "What do you mean new Security Head? Where's Mark at? And why wasn't I informed that there was a new Head?"

"Uhhh, well, ya see, princess…" Duo muttered. He looked around the room, searching for a way out of the situation he had just gotten himself into when the vidcam on Relena's desk came on, showing Lady Une's face.

"Miss Peacecraft?" she asked, looking at the flustered face of the young woman. "Is something the matter?"

"As a matter of fact, there is." Relena answered smoothly, still eyeing the fidgeting form of Duo Maxwell. "Why wasn't I told that I had a new Head of Security? And what happened to Mr. Thomason?" The Preventor commander looked at her with a quizzical, calculation look and frowned.

"Nothing happened to Mr. Thomason, Relena." she said with a frown. In the back of her mind however, she was beginning to wonder exactly what she was going to tell the former Queen of the World in order to pacify her. They hadn't gotten rid of Mark Thomason, just instated Heero as a security expert. "What's wrong?"

"I was just informed that Mr. Thomason had been replaced." she said. "I want to know why."

"Mr. Thomason wasn't replaced, Relena." Une covered easily. "True, I hired on another person to help out with the duties until this assassination mess blew over, but he is still here. I assure you." Relena nodded and looked back over to the still fidgeting Duo.

"I'm glad to hear that." Relena said evenly. "Now, was there something else you needed to know, Commander?" The two women continued to chat for a few minutes until they finished their business.

"Relena, who is the Preventor on duty with you at the moment?" Une asked.

"Duo Maxwell. Why?" she asked, confused at the question. Une narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"Tell Preventor Maxwell that he is needed in my office the moment his shift ends. There is a matter of importance I need to discuss with him as soon as possible." Relena looked over at Duo, who only nodded, pulling at the collar of his shirt.

"He got the message, Commander." Relena said. "Is there anything else?"

"No, that is all at the moment, Relena. Have a good day."

"You as well, Commander." Relena said, turning the vidcam off and returning to her paperwork. She said nothing else about the supposed new security department man, and he was thankful.

Duo settled into a chair nearby and popped his laptop open. He was in trouble and he knew it. 'Une's gonna skin me alive for telling Relena we had a new Department Head. I might as well have told her that Heero was back, and in the same building as she is.' he thought. 'Man, I'm glad these shift are twelve hours long. At least I have time to think up a good excuse.'

Relena, however, was still trying to figure out who in the world was responsible for the new security measures. She decided to run by Mark's office before she left for home. 'I might get some answers out of him. At least it's worth a try.'

A/N - Okay everyone. Is Relena smart enough to figure out who it is and what's going on? You'll find out in the next episode. Later.

Oh, and don't forget to leave me a review. I love the things. Later.
