InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Handouts ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of the characters therein. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, and she does a beautiful job!
A/N: Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors.
Love Handouts
Chapter 8
Sango and Kagome went together to wash the tins that night, neither one really wanting to be alone, but neither really wanting company either.
“So,” Sango began after the silence between them started to drag on too long. “What has been up with you and InuYasha lately,” she asked carefully, not wanting to get on the other girls bad side with the topic, that has been clearly bothering her as of late.
Kagome hung her head slightly, sighing as she thought over the inevitable question her friend asked her. Giving her a small smile, and looking over in her direction, she asked, “the truth?”
Seeing her friend nod in affirmation, Kagome continued, “I really don't know Sango.” She hung her head, hating the fact at how depressed her voice sounded at that one single admission.
Sango was taken aback by how sad her friend sounded. Drying off her last tin, she went over to comfort the girl.
Kagome, seeing her friend make her way over to her, had to smile at the kindness she was being shown. A smile that never really reached her eyes, as she tried once more to explain to her friend the situation, “It's just… he has been so confusing lately. I mean… I know he loves Kikyo, but why sometimes when I look at him… does he give me this look like he wants to hold me… and only me,” she asked, sounding so tired of all the hurt she has been through.
Tired of all the times he ran to Kikyo.
Tired of being in this situation.
Just tired of it all!
“Oh Kagome,” Sango said, leaning in towards the younger girl, hugging her, telling her that it was going to be okay.
That she was going to be there.
That they were going to get through this.
Kagome pulled back from their embrace, tears lacing her eyes, “I just don't know if I can do it any more, Sango.” She began shaking her head back and forth, “I know I told him I would stay by his side, but… I never knew… it would be this hard,” she finished, tears racking her voice.
Sango nodded her head, completely understanding where she was coming from… had to roll her eyes and how dumb the two of them could be to each others' feelings.
Sango was getting ready to reply, when Kagome pulled away, “Oh look at me, trying to draw all the attention to myself.” She began to wipe at her eyes… and the tear trials that were left on her face. She put her head down and placed her hands on her knees, took a deep breath and looked back up to Sango… smiling sweetly at her.
“Kagome it's alright,” Sango began, “I understand you nee—”
Shaking her head, showing that she didn't agree, “No Sango, it's fine.” She smiled at her, “I am just being a little emotional right now.” Going back to drying her dishes, she looked back up to Sango, “What about you and Miroku, have things gotten any better?” She smiled, showing that this conversation needed to continue.
Smiling sadly to herself, knowing Kagome wasn't trying to burden others with her own pain, she faced the girl shaking her head a bit. “What do you think,” she asked dryly.
Kagome laughed at that, “Well just give it time. I think he will come around,” she replied, smirking to Sango with a nice twinkle in her eye.
“I should say the same to you,” Sango rushed in. “Kagome, you have to know InuYasha has feelings for you,” she replied, begging the girl to understand.
Feeling her eyes tear up once more, Kagome looked down, “I really do… want to believe that, Sango. I just,” she added shaking her head. “He has just been too confusing lately,” she stated, finally able to open up on the topic.
“I can tell he cares for me,” she replied laughing a little. “I am not blind you know,” she said looking up at the other girl.
“It's just… I want to be the one he runs to… you know,” she asked, her voice breaking.
“I want to be the one he yearns for… when he knows no one else is around,” she said, rubbing at the tears coming from her eyes.
“I want to be the one he thinks about when he is with someone else,” she looked up to Sango, trying to make her understand.
“I want to be that girl,” she said pointing to herself, finally letting the tears fall free, as she let the truth prevail.
Holding nothing back.
And they sat there.
Embracing each other.
One taking all the comfort the other could give, while the other looked up into the sky, and prayed… hoped even, that her friends' heart wouldn't have to brake any more.
A/N: Okay, I am sorry that I haven't updated in awhile, but what can I say…sometimes I just get lazy…hehe.
Kokoronagomu - Haha, I completely agree with you! I think that Kouga loves to make Inu mad, and I love writing about them! ;-)
I do think that she realizes certain things, but, she is…let's say, a sixteen year old girl, and she is madly in love with him. Sometimes, reasons for behavior and your true desires get a little bleary along the lines there. I mean I know when I was sixteen that my boyfriend seemed perfect (Ideally), but I just wanted him to want me (he was in love with another girl at the time). That's all I wanted. So, I can see her being upset about his behavior…and I can understand her acting the way she is, right now.
Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a review! I love to hear what everyone thinks (it just helps to make this better)!