InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Their Daughter's Journey ❯ Seeker of the Jewel ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“A demon?” His tone was all that was needed for one to know that he was more than just a little skeptical. Being his other half, Kikyou was more aware of this than anyone else was. She had known from the start that this would happen. So, why was she so disappointed now?
She nodded, looking more towards the ground than towards him. You don't believe me, she thought, do you? Why would he? After what Father had told them, it was hard to believe.
“Is that so?” Her ears perked up, shocked, with warmth enveloping her being. “They were bound to return eventually. Did it seem strong?”
She looked up at him, more content than usual, stating, “I'm not sure - I didn't get to see it that well.” Back then, for just an instance, had she not she at first seen a human?
“Alright, I understand,” something she never thought she would hear, just spoken, “if anything happens then I want you to tell me. If it is a demon then it has to be after something.”
He spoke those last few words and vanished into the inky blackness beyond the hut. Kikyou rested her head in her arms, curled up. Things were starting to change. Finally, seven years too late, the hands of her clock began to move.
Night came and went with Kikyou sleeping heavily through it all. She sat upright, stretching, waking. A strange scent filled the air. It entered the young girl's nostrils and quickly her vigilance rose. Her senses heightened; she scanned the room. Still dark from dawn, her eyes came in handy. Through the shaded hut, she saw, faintly, the image of a boy. It was not human - no human could have such a stench. It reeked of blood.
“Who are you?” she asked sharply, her voice unsteady and quivering. The creature stayed silent, still hidden in the corner. Even her eyes, as good as they were, could not pierce through the shadows. “Answer me,” she demanded, raising her voice to a dull scream.
“So you're that girl,” her ears twitched, the sound unfamiliar, “it's been a while,” the boy stated, crossing his arms as he leisurely rested against the wall.
Kikyou balled her fist and prepared to strike. What he was talking about she was not sure, but it did not matter anyways. All she cared was that he was dangerous - and powerful. “Look, I don't know what you're talking about. Just leave!” commanded the young hanyou, a tone identical to her father's.
“So you don't remember huh? Whatever; that makes things easier. I'm only going to say this once, so listen: I'm after the jewel, and I'll use any means to get it. You understand?” His voice wasn't so much deep as it was fierce and strong. On the contrary, it was high and nasally - young. He couldn't be passed sixteen, if that.
“What jewel? I don't know what's up with you, but you'd better leave,” she threatened, though unsure if she could back it up. The last time she had fought...when was that?
“The Jewel of Four Souls, I want it. And you're going to give it to me, kid.” He was cruel in the way he spoke and the words he used.
As he neared, his face became clear, revealing chestnut hair follow by bright cyan eyes, impossible for any human. Glaring up at the towering boy, she knew he was obviously the one from the day previous. His speed as he walked over, it was unbelievable. No human could do that.
“Now hand it over,” he ordered, grabbing her collar and pulling her closer.
“If it's that jewel you want then you're too late,” she clenched her teeth, rage building, “it was purified a long time ago.” The cloth on his hand brush against her neck, which made a peculiar sensation rush through her body.
The demon's smirk widened. He knew something she did not. “It's been reincarnated.” Kikyou's eyes enlarged, her face going pale. “Did you really think something so powerful would just vanish?”
“That's not…there's no way…”
The demon's hand lowered to her heart. Kikyou stood breathless, watching his every move, paralyzed with fear. Why couldn't she fight? Why couldn't she escape?
“The jewel is passed through a line of powerful priestesses, though I'm sure you're aware, girl.”
“Then that means…”
This guy…she could not stand him. He gave demons a bad name. His mannerisms, his thoughts and actions - everything he did irritated her further. More so, if he was after the jewel, which should not exist, then…
A loud bang emanated from the doorway. Their heads spun around to see a furious albino teen, his fist almost breaking through the wooden wall. The three stood in awkward silence before Kikyou was released. The boy turned to face her twin, tauntingly smiling as if he were superior.
“We may have to finish our conversation later, girl.”
“Get the hell away from Kikyou you bastard!” Shirou screeched, steam practically rising from his ears. She had not seen her brother like this in a long time. If it were not for the situation, maybe she would have laughed.
“Kikyou, huh? It's been a while since…” the demon raised his head, overconfidence brimming, before, in a flash, he arrived behind the albino. Shirou's eyes widened. Since when were demons so fast? “We'll continue this another day, Kiki. Next time I'll get what I'm after; keep that in mind.”
The demon vanished into the trees, but his words stuck. He was not weak, and he made sure they knew that. The things that he said, the actions he took, they were impossible. Nevertheless, for reasons unfathomable to any, Kikyou found interest in him. He was…unique.
Her brother scuttled over to her, still holding his breath. He relaxed his hand near to her neck. “Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?” what he said first only made her mood grow worse.
She gritted her teeth.
“I'm fine; I can take care of myself.” Memories from the night previous flashed through her mind. Had things really changed? “I thought you felt the same.” No, it was all a lie. How could he ever think she was strong? How could he ever believe in her? He never had before, so why should he start now?
“Kikyou, I,” his soft attitude quickly faded, back to an InuYasha-like character, “you've been sick for so long, of course I don't think you're strong! Especially after that demon walked all over you! What are you, crazy?”
It hurt. Every word he spoke tore at her chest. Her own twin did not believe in her. Were they not they supposed to be close? No one ever trusted her. They never thought she could do anything by herself. Maybe in their eyes she was worthless.
“Just shut up Shirou!” she screamed, fists clenched to the point of almost bleeding. “You don't know anything! And I didn't see you fighting off that demon either. If he wanted to he could've continued on without stopping, so just quit!”
“Why you-”
That was it. That is all it took. She snapped.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” her voice echoed throughout all of InuYasha's forest. “Leave me alone!”
With those last few words, she stormed deeper into the forest, just as she had done the day before, but different. Bitter, hurting, her heart wrenching, she was not the same as yesterday.
So much was going through her head - about the jewel, about the demon, and her family. It was a never-ending spiral. Everything felt heavy. She slumped down on a branch with her hand to her heart. The Jewel of Four Souls, according to the demon, was passed down through the generations of her family line. If that were the case, then within her lied something so powerful, the user would become unstoppable. How stupid.