InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unbreak My Heart ❯ Passion within ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all related characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi… *

Warning please read
: This chapter is rated R for adult situations and suggestive sexual content (lemon/lime/fluff) Please respect this rating and read on with caution.

Think R rated movie, I had to edit a lot out because it reached NC-17 level - even so I hope its still enjoyable … for all those who wish to skip the citrus parts of this chapter it has R rated scenes for the first 10 paragraphs the rest of the chapter is PG-13

Special thanks goes to my beta reader Lynda!! *

by: Angelstars*
beta reader: nekochan (614) *


Unbreak My Heart

4.4 - Passion within

--Last Chapter…

Their kiss was deep with passion as his tongue caressed hers causing her to moan with ecstasy into his mouth, more bolts of energy now freely surrounded them ripping through their bodies and slashing at their skin. Inuyasha's chest rumbled with arousal when Kagome fell into him deepening their desperate hunger filled kissing, but soon felt his body start to weaken under the strain from the dark miko energy she fused with. The last of his conscious feelings where that of Kagome lowering her hands from his head and tenderly dragging trailing fingers across his back and chest.

Then came darkness.

---Continuation… (Note: this lime/lemon scene is sensual orientated no descriptive parts mentioned I have kept it clean for you)

His eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the blackness that had engulfed him moments ago; he strained at first trying to gain some senses. His awareness soon picked up on another presence-he was not alone where ever he was, but the presence around him gave him a sense of soothing sincerity. His eyes soon focused on a flickering aura, which surrounded above him: it shone brightly in comparison to the darkness around him; its elegance glistened with pureness. Untainted energy.

He allowed his eyes to close as a pair of wondering hands softly ran over his chest, caressing him lightly causing his skin to jitter with pleasure. The petite fingers sensually explored his body, instinctively knowing where to touch him-where to please him-how to make him feel good. As she moved over his chest he could feel her warm breath against his skin and with every kiss that came from her lips his skin instantly burned, scorching it as she pressed on.


It was unlike anything he had ever felt before; not even his small experiences with Kikyo felt anything like this. She had not managed to connect with him mind, body and soul like Kagome could; her bond was not as strong and never came close to anything he shared with his Kagome. Her caresses could send him over within seconds and her kisses scorched his flesh - heating his arousal and need to heightened levels.

His inner self-control resisted and scorned him for allowing such a thing to happen, his doubts clinging to him indefinitely-who was he to deserve this type of pleasure? To be given it so openly and freely?

Inuyasha knew her love for him went deep and she gave him enough pleasure by seeing her smile, or laugh. To see her happy had been his only desire, but he felt he did not deserve any kind of happiness in return. He felt unworthy of it, so his instinct held her at arms length--instead of taking her into his heart freely.

(This has to stop…but it feels so good…I need to gain control before I give in…)

By this time, Inuyasha's thoughts had muted, focusing on Kagome, and her alone as her touches lowered to more sensitive regions, causing him to buck his hips and clench his teeth tightly in order to control the throbbing he felt. With every soft but tender trace of her fingers came another jolt of mind-numbing feelings; it sent his body into uncontrollable spasms and caused his blood to boil, heating his desire within. Inuyasha's eyes rolled back with intense pleasure, allowing Kagome to work her way down his length.

Growling, he clenched his fists and tried to open his mouth to call out her name, but remained mute, involuntarily moaning as her sweet scent reached his sensitive nose. His instincts soon took over; his desire to dominate over powered his actions. His demon hunger to mate with his bitch took priority over any other self-denial, or doubtful thoughts he had - he wanted to take her, give her back what she gave him, he wanted to pleasure her like she had him. His aura began to shift and manoeuvre itself easily, pulling her under his strong hold so she now submitted to his ministrations.

Inuyasha looked down upon her through desirable golden orbs, admiring the aura that surrounded her naked body. She lay smiling up at him with equally bright eyes-her hair freely hung around her cascading her shoulders and falling over her small shapely chest. His hand reached up to sweep aside a small amount of black locks off her nape as he smiled reassuringly before lowering his lips to kiss her neck.

Kagome felt his breath on her fragile skin before his lips caressed her soft pale flesh. He kept it slow at first; spreading each tender pressure over and over before, taking her in his mouth sending rivers of mind numbing shivers through out her body.

She closed her eyes before moaning when he started to suck harder off her neck, gasping when his fangs nipped her skin-his soothing whispers soon took on a calming affect from the sharp stinging she felt from where the mark had been placed. He had completed the first step toward mating with her.

She belonged to him, and only him.

Her body still ached and tingled as a result of his caresses and the feeling only intensified when his lips once again touched her sensitive skin…her moans echoed around them while his purring grew louder the more he fed off her neck. Her body spasmed under his touch sending surging jolts through out her, which in turn brought him closer to climaxing. Her hips rocked in rhythm with his own, as their bodies grinded into one another. Her arousal intensified when Inuyasha purred and nuzzled into her the more she worked her fingers through his hair and toyed with his twitching ear …

Inuyasha pulled away from her panting before feeling her breathing and heartbeat quicken. His lips curled with a small desirable grin as he picked up pace pushing their love making to the brink…his clawed hands shifted taking the final initiative by tightening his grip around her hips and thrusting into her as hard as he could, instantly sending them both over the edge within mere seconds of the other.

Kagome breathlessly moaned his name and gripped at him, arching her back in order to push her whole body into his hips… as her head whipped back in a final attempt to ease her release.

Mine. The last of his thoughts echoed in the bleak of the darkness before gleaming light engulfed them causing him to lose sight of his mate.


"Kagome!" Inuyasha cried out, jerking himself up into a sitting position. He sat stunned and wide-eyed for a few moments when he heard a voice break through his moments lapse.

"Inuyasha, are you alright?" A feminine voice softy asked.

He blinked a few times before looking up at her and nodding slightly.

"We found you unconscious in the forest, what happened?" Came another voice.

"Where's Kagome?" He asked ignoring the other questions.

"She's out back with Lady Kaede" Miroku answered.

Inuyasha lowered his head slightly, hiding his eyes within shadows of his bangs. "Oh…"

Sango looked down at Inuyasha thoughtfully, "What happened last night?" she asked carefully.

"…" Inuyasha remained silent keeping his eyes closed and out of sight.

Sighing, Sango solemnly shook her head and took off to find Kagome and Kaede. Miroku stood behind Inuyasha before moving around him to get a better look at the hanyou's facial features; he is hiding them under shadows Miroku noted inwardly. "Inuyasha, if there is something wrong or anything you think we need to be aware of you will let myself or Sango know, won't you?"

Inuyasha nodded but remained seated on the ground.

Something is wrong…they're both acting strangely… he thought before returning to his side of the room.


Kagome sat at the bank of the river staring out into its crystal clear depths deep in thought. Her mind kept on seeing flashes, pieces of lost or fantasy visions, she did not know for sure - it had started when she woke up that morning at first she just witnessed the argument that happened the night before with Inuyasha, then bright flashing lights sparkled in front of her eyes soon followed by some very intimate scenes concerning Inuyasha and herself.

She took her eyes off the clear water and looked down at her hands…what's wrong with you, Kagome? Inuyasha's question echoed through her mind. "Try finding out you're being evicted from your home and have to make a choice between both times, family or you," she sighed under her breath.


She looked up at Sango and smiled weakly, "Hai?"

"Inuyasha is awake, he asked for you." Sango replied crouching down beside her.

'He asked for me? I thought he'd be mad at me after last night…' "Oh, OK"

"I-is everything all right between you two now?" Sango asked

Kagome did not answer straight away; she was rubbing the side of her neck while in deep thought. `Great…this is all I need! my home is due to be bulldozered down within a week, I'm fighting with Inuyasha constantly and…' She gasped slightly just as she touched a particular sensitive graze under the small of her nape. `Oww! I've been bitten or something!!' She sighed once more.

"Kagome-chan, are you OK?" Sango asked upon hearing Kagome sigh once again.

Kagome blinked a few times pulling herself out of the reverie, "Ohh…sorry, Sango." She blushed and gave her another weak smile.

Sango smiled back reassuringly, "That's alright, you were thinking about something, ne?"


"So is everything alright between you and Inuyasha, Kagome-chan?" Sango repeated her earlier question.

"Only one way to find out, hn?" She sighed, picking herself up from the ground. Sango nodded slightly and followed silently.

Sango was the first to enter the room Inuyasha and Miroku were in; she looked up at the monk and gave him a look that said lets-leave-them-alone-for-now. Miroku raised his eyebrows and followed soon after out of the room and into the back, but still close enough to hear Kagome and Inuyasha talk.

Kagome looked in the direction her friends had taken before lowering herself in front on Inuyasha, who still had not made any attempts to move.

"Inuyasha?" She whispered, leaning over to wave her hand in front of his eyes.

His head jerked up setting his eyes onto hers, Kagome swallowed back the butterflies that rattled around in her stomach. Why was she so nervous? Maybe it was because she knew he was angry with her - everything that happened last night was unforgivable - she never meant to go that far, but he had really hurt her.

"Do you still… hate me?" he asked quietly.

Kagome's eyes widened, "No!" She gasped, shaking her head in denial.

He continued to stare at her showing little or no emotions what so ever. "Then what was that shit last night about?" he asked, this time more abruptly.

Kagome lowered her head away from his piercing gaze. "I-I don't know…but I'm sorry"

"Sorry? You're sorry…" He laughed bitterly, "You try and bloody hurt me with that miko crap and I end up blacking out in the fucking forest for Sango and Miroku to find me…" He growled slightly when she began to fidget, "Where the fuck did you go!?!"

"I-I don't know…" was all she could honestly answer. "I must have blacked out also, but I woke up here in my sleeping bag"

"What? Then how the hell did you get back here and I didn't?" Somehow he did not believe any of this.

Kagome panicked, all she remembered was arguing-running away more arguing then kissing then…wait, we kissed?

Her eyes widened in realisation, "Inuyasha, I'm telling you the truth! I can't remember! Please believe me…" She begged him, falling onto his chest.

Sighing, he let her grip at his chest for a while longer before giving in and wrapping his arms around her. "I believe you…" he reassured her, running his claws softy through her hair.


Kagome listened to Kaede tell her all the history the old miko knew on the God Tree. Most, if not all the info she collected from the wise healer she had already learned about previously. This was getting harder by the moment, Kagome tried to stay positive, but she would not give up! The shrine meant too much to her she would not give in to the council back in future Tokyo. `Maybe I should go home for a while…but I promised everyone I'd spend this time with them here…' she inwardly sighed. `What should I do?'

Her eyes wondered over her friends and the small cub was happily playing with the puzzle cube she had bought for him to play with. Kagome affectionately smiled, gazing down at the kit's curious attempts `I don't want to leave this place…I can't…I have to do something about this and sitting here doing nothing won't help save the Temple from destruction!'

With that thought set clearly in her mind she cleared her throat gaining the attention of Miroku and Sango.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha looked on over his travelling companions, he was not paying much attention to what they were talking about because his mind was contemplating and focussing on other issues.

He'd He had managed to control the volume switch in the back of his mind so that his inner voice did not interrupt him so much. After last night his memory had been slightly fuzzy, like he had lost an entire nighttime of events. It was rare that he actually slept so soundly and completely unwary, not to mention on the ground, so he had been racking his brains and jogging his memory back to the night before…with unsuccessful results.

His golden orbs locked onto the one girl his thoughts regularly consisted of. Kagome looked unhappy as she spoke to Sango and Miroku, his ear twitched and caught onto their conversation.

"If I stay here…I might never see my family again, but if I chose to stay in the future…I won't be coming back."

'Keh, stupid girl.' He snorted, "Why is she making such a fuss anyways? Its not like she belongs here…so what's with all the confusion over which time she stays in!"

'You know she can't leave you, its because of you that she's suffering so much.' The volume had just been turned up a notch.

"Feh, its not like she's needed anymore!" he mumbled under his breath irritably.

'Do you really think she's not needed? Do you want her to go? Is that really what you think she wants?'

Inuyasha rolled his eyes in annoyance and crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly ignoring his inner turmoil that lectured him.

`She held her part and continued to journey along with you in order to complete the Jewel, why haven't you claimed it?' Inuyasha continued to avoid answering.

'You wanted the Shikon no Tama to become a full youkai, but you continue to protect and concern yourself over the girl, why?' It continued to jab, without much force.

"I-I wanted a family, above all." Inuyasha retorted in his defence.

'Family? Then you hope to mate with this girl?'

Inuyasha continued to gaze in the direction of Kagome and Shippo as she held him in her arms, cradling him as she tenderly rocked him.

'You think of them as your family already, ne? You protect the girl and cub as though they both belong to you. Then why push the girl away?'

"She deserves better" he absently responded. "I offer her nothing but pain…"

'Keh, now look who's in denial! You call her weak and pathetic, but really it is you that is the weak one. She holds onto you with all her strength, while you let go and stand in the sideline watching her fall in love with another. She belongs to you. Why do you not claim what is yours?'

Inuyasha was about to explode inwardly when Kagome and a slumbering Shippo diverted his attention.

"Inuyasha" she called.

"What is it, wench?" he grunted in return.

"I've got to go back"

Inuyasha's heart actually stopped. "What?"

"I need to go back home for a while, I want to give my mother some more details that might help save the Temple." She answered.

Inuyasha tilted his head up high, "Keh, whatever." `You really are stupid'


Kagome stood in front of the Bone Eaters well. Shippo stirred in her arms before hopping up in front of her balancing himself on the lip of the well.

"Kagome, where are you going?" he asked quietly, his small eyes shimmering.

"I have to head on home for a bit, Shippo." Kagome answered, diverting her gaze to the ground below her.

The small kit's eyes widened with fear and confusion. "But…but you said…" he murmured under his breath before lowering his own head in defeat. "Will you be coming back?"

"Hai" She reassured the small youkai.

Inuyasha held his nose high and crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest, "Keh…you better not come back, wench." He hissed under his breath. `Baka!'

Sango and Miroku gave him a sour look before reassuring their young miko friend.

"Kagome-chan don't listen to him, he's just being difficult. Take as much time as you need and come back as and when you feel like." Sango's soft voice soothed the callous atmosphere the moody hanyou gave off.

Kagome looked up from the ground and gave her friends a small smile. "Thank you, Sango."

"I mean it, Kagome…go through that well and never come back! If you even try to come through I swear you'll regret it" Inuyasha once again abruptly broke in to the conversation. `WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' His inner voice cringed.

Sango's eye twitched in anger as she gave the hanyou another death glare that was meant as a silent threat. "Inuyasha!" she hissed under her breath.

"It's alright, Sango…" Kagome waved her hands up in defence, giving the demon exterminator another smile of gratitude.

"No, no it's not alright, Kagome-chan! Inuyasha apologise to Kagome-chan right now."

The hanyou simply rolled his eyes and continued to grunt under his breath, stubbornly keeping up his tough-guy attitude. "Keh…"

Kagome walked over and picked up the sad kit, who sulked on the edge of the lip of the well. "I'll be back in a day or so," she said rubbing his ears playfully.

"Bye Kagome" the kitsune said as he snuggled a small hug before she put him down. Kagome gave all them all another smile as she picked up her belongings - the silence soon returned until Inuyasha decided to cut in once again.

"Don't ignore me Kagome! I mean it, if you even attempt to climb that well -I'll know it and I won't let you pass!!" He growled taking a step closer toward her and the well.

Kagome could not find it in her heart to repeat another argument, not after the night before. Still she could not understand why he was acting like this, pushing her away…then talking as though he cared, even showing her affection, to just rip her heart out at the last given moment. She snapped at that notion all thoughts of confusion lost, she would return home save the shrine-come back and give Inuyasha his argument. With her mind set, she turned her head and smiled up at the seething hanyou.

"Inuyasha…" she said in the sweetest voice she could possibly muster.

"What?!" he eyed her suspiciously.


Inuyasha was sent head first into the ground. "BITCH!" he snarled, spitting dirt from his mouth. Kagome's smile widened with satisfaction and with one last goodbye, she jumped in to the well.

Shippo lifted his small head up to glare down at the grounded hanyou. "You deserved that, you bastard!" he yelled out in anger.

"Shippo!" Miroku was the first to take charge and calm the kitsune before the hanyou was free from the spell.

He ignored Miroku's warning call and continued to bite down on his anger aiming it all at Inuyasha. "Its all your fault, you jerk!" his small voiced cracked with sobs.

Inuyasha eyes darkened before he growled slightly, causing the cub to step back in fear.

"You little brat, get back here!" He let loosed another growl as Shippo took off into the forest.

"No! I hate you! If Kagome doesn't come back here… I'll never ever forgive YOU!" he shouted back, giving Inuyasha another death glare.

"Shippo, calm down." Miroku and Sango motioned in unison.

"NO!" His small upset voice echoed through the trees.

"Shippo please come here…" Miroku shook his staff attempting to make it sound like an order rather than a plea.

"I won't!" He stubbornly huffed in reply.

"Shippo you puny little shit, get your kitsune ass back here!!" Inuyasha roared in anger as he stomped closer to the tree the small kit was hiding in.

"NO…I HATE YOU INUYASHA!" He cried showing himself before taking off once again.

"Oi…stupid little brat." Inuyasha seethed through clenched teeth.

Sango moved closer toward the frozen hanyou, "Inuyasha, I'm sure he didn't mean it…" she reassured him with a small smile.

"Aa, I agree with Sango. He's just upset about Kagome-sama leaving so soon." Miroku added.

Inuyasha's head and eyes found the ground just as he sighed, "Maybe…" he said quietly before lowering to the ground into a slouch.

Sango looked up at Miroku and motioned with her eyes and with a quick nod he made up his excuse, "I…I'll go check on the little fuzz ball."

Sango smiled thankfully before turning her attention onto the sulking hanyou on the ground below her. "Inuyasha, what's wrong?" she asked carefully.

"Nothing" he snapped turning his head up and away from her knowing gaze. She was making him feel uncomfortable and he hated it when she stared at him with that knowingly overly sensitive face of hers. Worse than Kagome's stare, Sango had a knack for this sort of thing.

"Inuyasha…" she began, but was cut off when Inuyasha suddenly barked out a small grunt before sounding off all at once.

"I wouldn't care if she never came back and who needs that little bastard hanging around anyways!" He continued shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.

"Inuyasha…" She tried once more to gain his attention, but he ignored it and went on with his complaining…

"They're both the same! They play with my emotions and slam me in the ground then tell me they hate me! WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE IF THEY HATE ME!!" He growled, digging his claws into his arms under his sleeves.

"Inuyasha…Kagome-chan and Shippo do not hate you." Sango desperately tried to calm and reassure the hot-headed dog-demon.


"You don't really believe that?" She asked that quietly, taking a seat beside him.


"Inuyasha, What's going on between you two?" she began to confidently ask him. `This is where he normally swears and says mind your own business' she thought.

Inuyasha looked over at her and narrowed his eyes tilting his face slightly to one side, "Feh, no fucking chance, Sango! Nothings wrong and even if there was, I wouldn't be fucking stupid enough to tell anyone about it! So back the heck off already!"

'That does it, that ungrateful excuse for a man!' "Well excuse me for being concerned for one of my so-called friends! Kagome-chan means a lot to me and believe it or not, you do too!" she (She) stopped to take in some air before continuing, "I'm only trying to help both of you before something REALLY bad happens and you end up messing everything up and regretting it for the rest of your MISRABLE existence!!"

Inuyasha actually flinched, his ears flattening instantly to his head. "Shit, what's with you…?" he mumbled under his breath quietly.

Sango's eye twitched slightly, "Don't you see what you're doing to Kagome-chan? Not only her, this is affecting Shippo also…and before you start getting all `I don't care about that little brat'" she quickly added, seeing the expression on the hanyou's face. "You can stop with the demon pride crap…you are his only family, you and Kagome-chan…" Her face softened slightly before continuing, "Think about it, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha sat quietly taking in what Sango had just said, in some ways along the same lines of what he had been thinking of earlier that day. He was confused and angry with both of them, but at the same time his demon instincts were yanking him down, making them twist and pull in both directions. Kagome pulling on one string while the small kitsune cub pulled on the other, and now they both united as one and pulled together and Inuyasha's string snapped. Sango had no idea how he was feeling yet she just reminded him what he already knew…his family needed him, and right now all of them where hurting and it was a due to one person.

Me, he thought with another inward sigh. Shippo was right this is my entire fault…

He wanted to put things right again and bring his family back together. First, he would get the brat back on his side, then the hard bit would be to apologise to Kagome…but he was determined to fix things.


So peeps will Inuyasha notice the MARK!? Eh wonders what he'll do once he does see it???? epp…I'm not gonna give it away :P stay tuned till next time!

a/n: I really hated editing the lemon scene, but I hope it made sense even if it wasn't the full NC-17 version. I really am trying to keep the lime down to PG-13 level for all those who begged me not to go R rated, but the sensual scenes go with this plot line. I also keep being asked when Kagome will get over the dark miko powers? Will the shrine and well be saved? The answers will be revealed so I'm not going to give it away! :P

Now onto my reviewers (once more)…threats and constructive feedback have been taken in with open arms! Thank you so much for keeping me posted and letting me know that you want me to continue this… I'm more than happy with you guys! Please continue it really does help me write more!! (& quicker!) I also apologise for the long delay.