Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hunter X Hunter Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Infernal Affairs ❯ All for Vengeance ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Infernal Affairs

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the following anime - Yu-Gi-Oh, Hunter X Hunter, Fushigi Yuugi, Hungry Heart ~ Wild Striker, Beyblade, Slayers, YuYu Hakusho, Get Backers, or Neon Genesis Evangelion. Man, this is a long list. I don't know how I plan to keep track of all these characters, but I will somehow!

Summary: This is no game. This is a matter of life and death. Only the cunning, the deceptive and the ruthless survive. This is the world ruled by three main bodies, the Triads - and the darkest side of humanity. Multiple pairings

Warnings: Yaoi and shounen ai, swearing and crude language and also OOC.

Author's Notes: Well, yet another fic I've started. Yes, this is a HUGE project I'm working on (and in my School Cert. Year too!) and I think this is going to stretch on for maybe the rest of this year and all of next year? I don't know. But it's going to be LONG, I promise you! Really long!

Oh yeah, with the names, Chichiri from FY will be known as Houjun (cos it sounds better than Chichiri).




"Honda Hiroto desu ka?"

The brunette nodded, lounging on the desk chair at the station. He peered up at the officer questioning him, who was also a brunette. However, while Honda had short and spiky, dark brown hair, the officer had ashen brown, waist-length hair tied up in a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"You know why you're here, right?"

"Look, officer, I have a job to do. I don't have time to hang around here all day, playing twenty questions. Just get the paperwork done so I can leave."

A red haired started forward angrily, ready to pound the living hell out of Honda, who smirked. The first officer held out an arm to stop him. The ID on his shirt read `Hotohori', while the other's read `Tasuki'.

"All right then, let's speed things up,' Hotohori agreed calmly. "What were you doing on Peony Street?"


"To where?"

"The end of the street."

"What did you want to do there?"

"Meet someone."


"A person."



"You do know there's been cases of drug busts around that area?" Tasuki snapped impatiently.

"Oh really?" Honda drawled. "I wouldn't have known."

Again, Hotohori restrained his hothead partner as he made to lunge at Honda. Suddenly, the double doors flew open with a dramatic bang and six people walked in. The first three were male and the other three females, but it was the leader who drew the most attention.

He had hair that stood naturally in a star shape with four blonde bangs hanging on the sides of his face. The rest of his wild hair was black, with a tinge of purple-red on the ends. His eyes were purple-red, like his hair, narrow and glinting with silent demand. Honda sat up straight, at attention.


"What's the problem here?" Yami demanded.

"Ah, Yami," Hotohori said with false pleasantness. "Is he yours?"

Hotohori gestured. Yami glared at Honda then smirked.

"I guess you could say that." He folded his arms. "How long will you be, Hotohori? He needs a little home taught lesson."

"Always a pleasure doing business with you, Yami." Hotohori looked down at his notes. "According to the report, your guy was suspected of dealing illegal drugs on Peony Street. I don't suppose you know something about it?"

"I was waiting for an order of . . . supplies for my employees." Yami smirked again. "Perhaps that was the mistake?"


Honda was made to sign a few documents before Yami was allowed to drag him away. The other five of his companions followed, each looking more exasperated than the last. The doors slammed shut and Tasuki turned to Hotohori with a scowl.

"Only you can be so civil to those triads."

"When you've worked on them as long as I have, it pays to have idle chit-chat abilities. You can't offend or insult them if you have no evidence of their guilt." Hotohori sighed. "Unfortunately for us, triads are very good at covering up their tracks. Yami is ingenious at managing his dealings. He's a person to be feared, Tasuki, so I suggest you be very careful."


The said triad leader was currently standing at the window of his high-rise apartment building. The building belonged to their triad, solely, and the rest of the city's population believed that this was just an apartment set-aside for workers. When he was out in respectable society, Yami encouraged this rumour.

Seated in a chair in the middle of the bleak room was Honda. Yami wasn't one to get angry very often, but he was not one to tolerate his people making mistakes. Mistakes such as getting caught, with evidence or no.

"How could you let yourself be seen?" Yami's eyes narrowed. "Do you know how important that shipment is for our cash flow? Consider yourself lucky that Anzu recovered the shipment when you had been captured!"

"Hai, Yami."

"I'm taking you off shipment duty. Until I say so, you will be staying low and out of public eye. Do nothing and say nothing about us for this time period."

"Hai, Yami."

Yami jabbed him sharply on the head, causing him to wince.

"Another screw up and you'll be punished by death," he hissed.

He gave Honda a dismissive wave. When the other man walked out, another one walked in. He was freakishly similar to Yami, only his eyes were larger and purple and he was head and shoulders shorter than Yami. He looked innocently concerned about the elder.

"Niichan . . ."

"Yugi?" Yami looked at his younger brother. "Daijoubu ka?"

"Ee . . . demo, niichan . . . omae wa daijoubu?"


Yugi looked unconvinced. However, he didn't press the subject as Yami went to the built-in bar in his office. This was one of the only prominent features in the otherwise empty room. He pulled out a bottle of champagne and a glass.

"Want some?" he asked his brother, who refused.

"I don't feel like it tonight. It's too . . . dunno, but you're too unhappy starting this gang. You don't smile as often and you're always out doing illegal stuff. Why do you keep doing that if you don't like it?"

He watched his brother frown and down the beverage with a grimace. He never liked the taste, but it was a sort of self-punishment for doing illegal things. Every time he did something wrong, he would force himself three glasses. Since he hated the drink with a passion, it seemed to be a suitable penance.

"I don't know what I'll do if I start liking this shit," he said.

"Niichan . . ."

Yami sighed, pouring another glass and walking over to where Yugi stood, behind the now vacant seat in the middle of the room. With his free hand, Yami clasped Yugi's shoulder and his eyes narrowed.

"If jiichan and kaasan hadn't been killed by Kuroro Rucifer and you weren't so young, I wouldn't be doing this." Yami down the next glass. "And I can't let them get away with this. When Rucifer dies, I'll stop."

Yugi sighed.

"I hope so, niichan."


Bakura stomped into the dressing room, startling half a dozen performers as he stormed past. He had wild hair, darker and shorter than his younger brother's, and blood red hues. Right now, the ruthless expression in those eyes scared all the people who got in his way. Behind him, his exotic Egyptian lover, Ishizu Ishtar, apologised to everyone.

"He's got a temper, gomen." She turned her dark eyes to Bakura. "Get yourself under control, Bakura!"

"Ishizu, my otouto is in one of these change rooms! You're telling me to control myself?" he screeched.

They reached one particular, separate room. The door was closed and it was strangely lacking in people in this part of the wing. Light laughter floated through the wood of the door, a sound Bakura recognised. A low voice joined it, making the wild albino's blood boil.


Bakura flung open the door to reveal his little brother, dressed in only a robe, sitting on the dressing table. On the chair in front of him was Kaiba, looking smug and way too comfortable for Bakura's liking. Ryou took a brush and ran it through his hair, a soft smile on his lips.

"Konbanwa, niisan."

"What are you doing here, Ryou?"

"Working," Ryou replied, smiling sweetly at Seto. "I started last night."

Seto smirked and stood.

"You're on in a few minutes, Ryou-chan," he said, resting a hand on Ryou's knee lightly. "I'll see you afterwards."

"Ja ne, Seto."

Bakura and Ishizu blinked as Ryou gave the club owner a kiss on the cheek, a glint in his dark eyes. Seto smirked again and brushed past the two in the doorway, exiting. Silence reigned for a few minutes, in which Ryou applied all necessary make-up for his performance, still in his robe.

"Niisan?" he asked, going to his wardrobe.

"Bakura," Ishizu hissed.

"Why this job?" Bakura asked, getting his vice back. "Of all jobs - why this one? If Yami found out . . ."

"He won't," Ryou said loftily. "Daijoubu, niisan."

He took out a set of clothes. The shirt was silvery and studded with sequins. Ryou slipped this on, enjoying the feel of the silky material against his skin. It clung to his shoulders and upper arms, but generally flowed around his slim torso. He brought out the pants, back of black, form-fitting material, which had a delicate silver chain hanging from the silver belt, studded, again, with sequins.

"What do you think?"

"You wouldn't last a minute in that crowd," Bakura snapped. "If you told me you're still a virgin, I'd be very surprised."

"But I am," Ryou said innocently.

"How - how can you -?" Bakura gaped at him, mouthing in shock.

"I'm sure Ryou-kun can take care of himself," Ishizu said firmly. "Come on Bakura, let's get you out of here."

She dragged him, kicking and screaming, from the room, calling an apology over her shoulder to Ryou. The younger man blinked once at the doorway and turned back to his mirror. From behind his changing screen, another young man stepped out. He had waist-length, black hair and black eyes, so that it seemed he had no irises. Ryou looked at him through the mirror.

"Osoi, Illumi-kun," he chided.

"You had guests," the other one shrugged. "I didn't want to disturb."

"Jealous?" Ryou asked, raising an amused eyebrow.



Illumi Zoldick tossed something into the air, which Ryou's hand shot out and caught. He looked at the object in his hand. It was a small handgun, the size of his palm, carved with the double `X' for Genei Hunter, over three interlinked circles. The circles were the well-known symbol to represent triads. Four years ago, the small gang MW, led by Mutou Yami, had an Egyptian looking, reverse pyramid with a single, Egyptian eye carved over the triad circles. Again, the small gang Blue Eyes, led by Kaiba Seto, chose the dragon design. When the two gangs combined to form a triad, the design changed to a dragon wearing the reverse pyramid around its neck, representing Yami no Aoryuu.

"You took this from your otouto?" he asked, tossing it from hand to hand.


"Ah, sou." Ryou smiled. "Arigatou Illumi-kun."

"You'll be using it on Kaiba Seto?"

Ryou shrugged, while Illumi folded his arms. They often worked as partners, but they certainly didn't trust each other. The albino appeared to be sweet and inconspicuous, but Illumi knew much better than to assume so. He had been raised in a family where no one could be trusted, his otouto, Killua, being the only one who had been forced into a gang. It was only because he had a friend in their hands to keep him in check. He was still unruly, though.

"I'll play a while," Ryou now mused. "He's an unpredictable character."

Like you, Illumi added silently, and Hisoka.

Illumi brushed his long hair back over his shoulder, watching his partner play around with the gun he had taken from his lover, Hisoka. Hisoka was yet another person he found he could not trust. He was stealthy and sly, loving mind games and driving his opponents insane with his card tricks. He was perfect for the triad he belonged to, though he didn't really like the part of being loyal.

"Saa, ore wa iku yo," he said finally.

"Ja ne, Illumi-kun."

Ryou locked the gun in the top drawer of his dressing table, smiling.


/ I'm gunning down romance

It never did a thing for me /

Illumi joined his red haired lover at the corner table of the Blue Eyes nightclub, his eyes never leaving the performer on the stage. Ryou was at the microphone, singing and moving in a flowing, suggestive manner while the crowd cheered and whistled at him. He deliberately egged them on, smiling and moving closer to them, closer but not enough for them to touch him. He enjoyed it immensely.

/ But heartache and misery

Ain't nothing but a tragedy /

"He's going all right, nee?" Hisoka commented, tossing a card into the air, catching it, and making it disappear. This was repeated over and over again, in an almost never-ending sequence.

"Yamete, Hisoka," Illumi snapped, glaring at the cards.

/ Take these broken wings

I'm going to take these broken wings /

"Midnight, tomorrow. Dock Five, Domino Wharf."

"Who will be there?"

"Kuroro, perhaps . . . and Kaiba Seto."

The song finished and Ryou left the stage amidst whistles of approval and catcalls. A card was thrown into the air, snatched by a pale hand before it could fall all the way down. The silence between the two at the table was deafening.

"I'll see you there."




Author's Notes:

There we go the next chapter! Like I said, I had the first three chapters all written down previously and now I'm just updating. Hope you liked it. The other anime characters will be coming in after chapter three, hopefully. I mean, come on, I can't pass up the chance to be the first person on to write about my favourite character in Hungry Heart ~ Wild Striker.

Responses to Reviews:

Elle-Fate2x1-2: pairings? Of course! Do you want to know the YGO ones? Here they are (also note that these pairings can also mean in a twisted way):


Mokuba/Shizuka (yeah, they're in this one later)



Anzu/Yugi (poor Yugi >_<)



Seto/Ryou (obviously! This wouldn't be a fic written by me if it didn't have Seto/Ryou, now would it?)

Otogi/Malik (yay!)

Yugi/Chiriko (from FY, you know?)

These are the pairings for now. I've got more coming later. Plus, these are only the YGO pairings. Well, hope that answered your question!

Ril: confusing, ne? I would be too, if I weren't the one writing it!

Naoko Ten'ou and Black_Heart_Dragon17: glad you guys reviewed!

