Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ A Name Without a Name ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1:

Dear Note Book,

I'm crying again and I can't stop. Sometimes it seemed like it was all I could do. It's only been a month since I found out what happened to me, still... I can't remember. The doctor came in after I awoke from that other life, he said he was dead. He? Some guy named Toji I don't remember. After hearing that I started crying like a little baby. I have know idea why but it felt like the best thing to do. Anyway N.B., next to me there was an another boy named, Kiley. I remember him trying to hug me, but I pushed him away. Why? Well, for one thing I didn't know who he was. He was hurt, not physically, but in his heart. He whispered, what was it? Amnesia? Yea, it was the same thing the doctor said I had. The doctor also said it shouldn't last to long but it's been a month. How long will I be the girl without a past?

I'm tired of talking about the hospital so I'll tell you about Toji's funeral. People told me they were sorry about what had happened like I'm suppose to remember. A girl who clams to be my best friend said I was shot. She said Toji protected me when the first one came, but I was hit by the second.

Why was I shot? There wasn't a reason, just a couple of guys out for some fun. Why? They wanted to see terror on the faces of people so they take the lives of others. Still haven't caught those idiots, but even after hearing that someone gave their life to protect mine, I can't remember. It makes me feel like I'm letting them down.

Sae, the girl who said she's my best friend, told me it wasn't my fault. Well, if it wasn't my fault, who's was it? Yours for not turning around before the gun was fired? I shouldn't say that but Sae was there when I was hit. How long will this suffering last? I wish I could remember, at least have an idea to where I should began...

The young girl stopped her writing and looked around her bedroom. It was an attic so you entered it through a trapped door on the floor. If anyone was to enter it would be like they were coming right through the ground.

"Are you still sitting up here?" an older woman with short black hair and glasses asked breaking me from my thoughts. I turned my head and looked at her oddly. The lady speaking to me now was my mother. I remember the first time I saw her, I thought she would of had a heart attack when I told her I didn't remember who she was. She kept saying things like:

"I'm blah blah"-

"Remember blah"-

"Remember when you use to Blah!"

It was just a completely different life than what I would have guessed.

"Momo, are you listening to me?" She snapped noticing I was daydreaming again.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I said putting on a weak smile.

"Thinking? Are you remembering anything?" She asked hopeful.

"No, I was just thinking about what has happened this passed month."

"Well, you can just stop thinking about what happened the past month and start thinking about what happened before you got-" She stopped when she noticed me getting up from where I was sitting and walking to where she stood.

"Where are you going?" She said blocking my exit downstairs.

"I told you before, don't remind me of what happened. It's to much for me." I said pushing pass her.

' I know you're only trying to help me but you just make things harder for me. ' I walking outside.

"Watch where you're going!" I heard a little voice say. I looked down and saw my best friend standing there.

"Sorry Sae I didn't' see you." I laughed sitting down on my front porch.

"What's up?" She said moving her light purple hair out her face.

"Mom is working my nerves again." I said noticing her outfit.

She was wearing a tight pair of bell bottom jeans, black V-cut shirt with the words Lil Devil in red glitter on it. Her light purple hair was hanging in her face. After knowing her for a month I began to really admire the way she dressed. I remembered her telling me she was a model for some magazine so getting clothes were really easy.

"You always liked the way I dressed. You use to call me a show-off when we would go to school dances." She said a little too cocky.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well, do you want to come with me to a party." Sae smiled.

"Do you think that would be such a good idea? It's only been a month and all so I wouldn't remember that many people."

"Yea, everyone knows what happened. They wouldn't mind a bit."

"Um... okay I guess." I smiled.

"So I'll come back and get you around 8:00. The party is at the beach so- damn." Sae said under her breath. At first I didn't understand why she stopped but I caught on after rethinking what she just said.

"It's okay. Going to the beach is not a problem," I quickly said. "So I'll see you at 8." I gave her a quick smile and ran back inside the house.

"Can I really handle this?" I whispered going back into my room.

I looked up at the clock and noticed it was only 3:00. I decided that would be enough time to take a nap and get ready.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~******************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************ *****~~~~~~~~***************

"Tonight, we have to stay and watch the stars. Like you told me when you look at them it's like the whole world is yours for the taking." A light brown haired boy whispered into my ear. I didn't know what to do so I decided to through my head back and laugh. I turned around and meet eyes with the young mans. He smiled sweetly at me so I rested my head on his chest.

"Toji?!" The words came out unsure.

"Hm?" He asked resting his head down to my neck.

"Would you always protect me? Will you ever hurt me like others did?" I whispered feeling tears run down my face. He looked up slightly and rubbed them away.

"I will protect you with all my heart. I'll never hurt you, you know why?" He asked breathing on my tan skin. I only nodded my head as chills went past with each breath.

"Because I love you. You are my best friend and I will do anything for you." He said kissing my cheek.

"Hey! When are you two gonna go out? You can't play this, 'just friends' forever." Sae joked coming up to use. Toji and I both laughed as we watched her turn around. I stood up and kissed Toji as he began to stand up. He smiled at me sweetly and took my hand.

"I love y-" I began but was interrupted by a loud bang. Toji pushed me down fast and put his body over mine. I looked into his dark brown eyes and saw them wide with pain.

"Toji?" I asked but his body was crushing me.

The next thing I remember were screams echoing through my ears. I sat there for a moment trying to recall what just happened. I rolled Toji over and tried to get a better look at him. Know sooner than I got up and sharp pain it me in my back and I was falling into darkness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*************************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** *************~~~~~~~~~~~~

I pushed myself up suddenly and screamed out in surprise. Sae's dark eyes where staring at me with confusion.

"Sae why are you here?" I almost screamed from all the shock.

"PARTY!" She yelled making me jump up.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot. What am I going to wear?" I said rolling myself out of the covers, forgetting the dream completely.

"Um, duh!" Was all she said before throwing a bag of clothes at me.

I didn't waste anytime after I got dress. I did a quick look in the mirror and was very impressed. I had on a short black skirt with a firefly silver charm around my hips. A white strapless shirt and a long see thought shirt under it. I wore two big silver earrings, four silver bracelets on each arm, and a silver hair clip.

"Anytime now princess." Sae yelled from the second floor.

"Coming! There's something missing." I yelled running to my bedroom table. There was a little white box with different things in it. I looked around and soon pulled out a silver chain with a heart at the end. In front of it were little silver wings, so if you pulled them apart a locket was inside. I looked at it for a moment and read the little words inside.

"You will always be my Angel." I whispered quickly putting it around my neck.

"Now I can party." I smiled running down to meet Sae.