Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ A Name Without a Name ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2:

The party was loud, crazy, and just plain messed-up. People were either drinking or making out. Considering I didn't want any beer and didn't have a boyfriend to make out with.

(Unlike Perfect Sae who was making out for 30 minutes now.)

I decided I should go out for a walk. Luckily, I remembered to bring something to do and decided to draw the landscape of the water. I sat down in a very nice flat spot, but I felt very uneasy for some odd reason.

I pulled out the paper and began to slowly draw the outline. Five minutes passed and I felt myself getting lost in the art.

"Nice." A deep voice whispered.

I jumped up and glared at the boy behind me. It was Kiley, Toji's fraternal twin brother.

"Hey." I mumbled, turning my attention back to my art.

"Seems like you have a nag of coming to this spot," He said, sitting next to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked; not really liking the fact he was there.

I recalled the last month knowing him and at first, thought of him as a sweet guy. (Considering, he did come to the hospital to check up on me.)

But, after I was out, he kept coming over my house telling me things that Sae, he, and I did. He always left Toji out of any conversation. Not to mention, he was a BIG TIME pervert.

"This is where the accident happened." Kiley said, breaking through my train of thought.

"Wha-WHAT?" I yelled, jumping up.

Kiley smirked at me and looked back at the water.

"You were also drawing a picture of the landscape just before it happened." He chuckled.

"How would you know that?" I yelled.

"I took the picture." He smiled, looking up at me.

After I heard that, my mouth dropped to the ground. I didn't know what to say or how to act. Here I was standing with a guy who brother gave his life for me. In the spot both of our lives were changed; and what is this idiot doing? Telling me he has the picture I was drawing when his brother died.

"You okay?" Kiley asked, standing up.

"What kind of question is that?" I yelled.

"Did I help you remember anything?" He questioned, putting his arms around me.

"No and what are you doing?" I yelled, pushing him away from me.

"You never liked people touching you. At least I got to touch you last, unlike my brother." Kiley laughed under his breath.

I turned to Kiley in disbelief. How could someone say something like that about their dead family member? Is this guy that heatless?

I felt Kiley but his arms around me again and I did what any confused and mad, female would do… SLAP HIM.

"What is your problem? How can you say something so mean about someone who cared so much about you? You are the most heartless person I have ever known." I screamed, walking away.

"Wait a second." I heard him yell, but I didn't bother to stop going.

I began walking up a pair of steps when Kiley grabbed my arm hard.

"You shouldn't be talking. You don't remember anything about me or what my family was like. I, for one, don't like the way you treated me back there. My brother and I never got along, let alone cared for one another. So I should be thanking you for letting him die."

"If you never loved your brother, why were you at the hospital the night he was killed?" I yelled, feeling tears run down my face.

There was a moment of silence and Kiley pulled me closer to him.

"Because I-I." He began, but kissed me instead.

Anger, shock, and sadness rolled into my body as I pushed him away from me.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" I screamed punching him in his face.

I rubbed my lips off and was able to taste a bit of alcohol.

I didn't even waste my time yelling at him for drinking; I just marched right to Sae. I didn't have to stay here and yell at someone I was obviously not going to get along with.

"Sae take me home!" I yelled, pushing my way pass random people.

Sae was making out like there was know tomorrow with now a different guy.

"Later, Momo." She mumbled, between breaths.

"NOW!" I yelled, grabbing her arm and making our way to the car.

"Okay, okay!" she yelled.


The car ride home was both quite and annoying. It was quite because Sae didn't ask me anything about the party. Probably upset that I made her leave from her make-out session.

Annoying because she didn't ask me what I did while I was there. The only thing I could think of was Kiley kissing me, and the taste of alcohol in his mouth.

`So he was drunk?'

I thought over and over in my mind, but another thought came to mind.

`Was everything he said at the beach true? He's brother dieing there… him taking the picture. Or was he too drunk to make any sense? '

I moaned and looked out the window. We were already sitting outside of my house so I quickly opened the door.

"Sorry about the party." l mumbled, walking up my steps.

"Hey!" Sae yelled, from the car window.

I turned around and saw her smiling at me.

"He wasn't that cute," was all she said, than drove off.

"She sure does get over things quick." I whispered under my breath.


It wasn't too long before my mom found me sitting in the living room. I expected her to yell at me for coming home so late, but she did something that I wasn't expecting.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked, sitting in the chair across from me.

"Yeah, sure." I said, thinking our conversation would lead to arguments.

"Well, I talked to your doctor today... about the amnesia, I mean."

"Yeeeeeaaaaa!" I said, trying to get to the point.

"Well, he told me that if you haven't had your memories back in the next week. You might never have them back."

"WHAT? Amnesia can't last forever can it?" I yelled, sitting straight up.

"Well, apparently it can. I'm sorry sweetly. We have to get you to remember something. You can try with you friends for a few days, than I'll try."

'Losing it forever? I can't believe it! Why couldn't everything just go back to the way it was? Well, I don't even know if that way is a good idea. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?! I'm confused, I need to sleep. Yeah, sleep would be good.'

I blinked a few times and looked at my mother. I never thought that my amnesia could get any worst. It just wasn't that I couldn't remember who I was. It was the fact I won't remember Toji and what kind of person he was. I would never know if I was even the kind of person worth giving up a life. But those thought disappeared from my head and I found myself going into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** *******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

"Hey lets dye our hair okay!" Sae laughed, pulling out different boxes of permanent hair dye.

"Why would you want to do something like that? I like my hair the way it is, thank you very much." I said, pointing to my blonde hair.

"Oh, come on Momo. Just think about it.Would you want to be, Ms. Brown creamy skin, with sexy light brown eyes, and boring blonde hair? The everyday playgirl-"

"I'm not a PLAYGIRL!" I interrupted.

"OOOOOOOORRRRRRR!" She continued, "Ms. Sexy Smooth Brown Skin, golden light brown eyes, and outstanding sparkling colored hair?" Sae chuckled, shaking her head like mad.

"You know, it only sounds good because you put sexy, outstanding, and sparkling in the same sentence." I laughed.

"Shut-up! You always have to be the, `I'm -so- sure- of- everything' type person. Since you don't like that idea, let's just do it as a friendship thing."

"Friendship thing?" I questioned.

"Geez, we dyed our hair because we are best friends. It's better than friendship charms, because we can never lose it. Well, unless we dye our hair again." Sae smiled.

"That sounds so stupid. The next thing I know, you'll be asking me to get friendship tattoo,"

Sae smiled and her eyes twinkled in an odd way.

"Don't even think about it." I yelled, before she could even think about the possibilities. "If we dye our hair the same color, people would get confused." I said, trying to get the idea out of her head.

"How? Considering you're a playgirl tan and I'm an innocent lighter color." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I'M NOT A PLAYGIRL!" I yelled, attacking her.

"I knew that would get you to loosen up, but for real, let's do it." Sae smiled, as I held her in a tight head lock.

"Fine! But I get to pick the colors." I yelled.

"Fine, now LET ME GO! I can't breath." She laughed, as we both feel down on the floor.

~~~~~~~~~~~~****************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****************** ***~~~~~~~~~~~~***********

My eyes snapped open and I ran to the mirror.

"My hair is dark purple." I whispered myself.

I stood there for a moment and decided to call Sae myself. I walked over to my phone and was about to pick it up… when it rang.

"Sae we need to talk!" I yelled, most likely hurting the person's ear.

"Yeah, I agree we need to talk, but I'm not Sae. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind being her. Imagine me in a women's body." A deep voice laughed, from the other side of the phone.

"Who is this?" I yelled.

"Aw, you're breaking my heart. I would at least think you would remember MY voice." He said.

"What do you want Kiley? I'm in the middle of something very important and I don't have time to talk to you-"

"-BUT you have time to talk to Sae?" He said, in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, so bye." I said about to hang up the phone.

I heard him scream and started to make a pathetic cry.

"WHAT?" I yelled, annoyed.

"Maybe it's just me but, when someone calls, they have a pretty good reason." Kiley laughed.

"Well, maybe it is just you. You're not the kind of person that would make an interesting conversation." I yelled.

"Ouch! That hurt. And all the things I did for you."

"Ha!" I laughed.

"Anyway, I want to talk to you. Meet me at the Moon Set Park at 4 okay." he said.

"Well, I would but... WHERE IS IT? If I can't remember my life, what makes you think I'm going to remember places?" I yelled.

"FINE, FINE, FINE. I'll come and get you at 4, so be home. I'll see you then." He said, hanging up.

"WAIT, I never said I would come with you." I yelled, hoping by some odd miracle he heard me.

I moaned out in frustration and hung up the phone. I knew he wouldn't leave me alone, unless I did what he asked.

"Crap, I have to call Sae." I said, picking the phone back up.

I dialed the phone a little to slow for someone my age, but I had to make sure I remembered it correctly. She told me her number about a week ago, so it was still a little fuzzy in my mind.

"Hello?" A little cheery voice answered the phone.

"Um, hello! May I speak to Sae?" I asked, hoping I dialed the right number.

"Oh! Momo, you poor child. You still don't have your memories back. I remember when you use to call and always tell me I made such wonderful cookies. You said you haven't had any-"

"Mom, give me the PHONE!" I heard a familiar voice interrupt.

"All right dear, have a nice day." The mother said to me, but I didn't have a chance to answer because Sae's voice was yelling in the background.

"You never in your life said anything like that. We both hated her cookies with a passion." She laughed into the phone.

"Um, okay… well. I'm calling you because I have to tell you about this dream I had. I want to know if it means anything and if you can come over?"

"Why can't you just tell me about it on the phone? I don't really see the reason for coming over." She said in a rude tone.

"Well, Kiley ask me to go somewhere with him at 4, and if you are here, maybe he'll leave me alone."

"Ki-KIELEY? You mean Toji's brother. The dark, mysterious, playboy, every woman would die for." Sae yelled.

"Not every girl. The guy is a major Monkish Hentai." I said.

"Well, you thought the same thing when you first meet him. I'm not quite sure, but you guys got really close, but he did something really stupid and you fell for his brother."

"Was I a little brain dead in my last life?" I joked.

Sae laughed and agreed to come over.

We both hung up and a few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring.

"MOMO! Someone is here to see you." My mother, called from downstairs.

Since it was still early in the morning I still had on my Pj's. It was the middle of the summer so I put on whatever I could find.

Which consist of: a pair of too short for public shorts and a 'MY MOTHER WOULD KILL ME IF SHE SAW ME IN THIS,' shirt.

"Tell her to just come up to my room." I yelled.

It was Sae after all, she might just think my sleeping attire was a fashion statement. I saw my trap door open and suddenlyI wish I could have died.

"KILEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I yelled, grabbing something to cover me up.

"Oh! I've seen you in something way more exposing." He laughed.

"Why would my mom let you in my room?" I asked, trying a way to hide my body.

"Well, your mother and I are good friends. You don't know that because you can't remember." He smirked. "Anyway, are you ready to go?"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M READY? You're here 2 hours early. You said 4 and its 2. Did you forget how to tell time or something?" I yelled in rage.

"No, I just figured you would call Sae to come over ASAP." He said, walking closer to me.

"STAND BACK! I'll-I'll throw this at you." I yelled, holding up my alarm clock.

"Oh please!" He smiled coming closer.

I threw the clock, but sadly it went right past his head.

"Stop it Kiley!" I yelled, trying to get away.

He grabbed my arm and held me TIGHT in his arms.

"Stop moving, I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered in my ear.

I struggled and tried to break free, but it was a waste of time. I stood there shocked as he held me in his arms.

"You can let me go now." I blushed.

"No, I kinda like being here like this." He whispered, breathing on my neck.

"OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT ARE YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS DOING?" A voice yelled through the room.

I pushed Kiley away from me, "Sae, nice to see you." Kiley said on the floor.

"Clockwise!" She smirked devilish.

"Nice little get-up you got there." She said looking at my Pj's.

"Shut-up!" I yelled, covering myself with the cover, "Kiley, can you leave? Sae and I have some important stuff to talk about."

"Well, I did come to get you so I think I'll stay." He said, sticking his tough at me.

"What grade are we in?" Sae said, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know. How about you ask Momo and see if she remembers." He smiled.

"GET OUT!" I yelled, pushing him through the hole in the floor.

"Fine, I'll be back at 3:30, be ready or I'm kidnapping you." He yelled.

"Sooooooo, is there something going on there?" Sae asked, smiling.

"N-No! Are you sick or something?" I yelled.

Her smile only grew wider and I knew it was a waste to talk to her about it.

"Anyway, what about the dream?" She asked, sitting on my bed.

"Well, did we dye our hair together?" I asked unsure.

"Yeah we did it as a friendship thing. You picked purple because it was your favorite color. When I said I didn't want my hair dark, you said I can have light purple and you will take dark. I still remembered the way your mom yelled, "I'll cut your hair if you don't take that out," Later she said it looked nice and she let you keep it." Sae laughed.

"So, it wasn't a dream, it was a memory." I said, sitting next to her.

"So you're remembering things through your dreams?" Sae asked, confused.

"It seems like it, but...that means-" I whispered, feeling my heart drop.

"Would you always protect me? Will you ever hurt me like some did?"

"I will protect you with all my heart. I'll never hurt you, you know why?

Because I love you. You are my best friend and I will do anything for you.

Anything for you...



"MOMO? Means what?" Sae yelled.

"What?" I asked, still remembering what the last dream was.

"It looks like you're about to cry. Are you okay?" She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking is all." I lied.

"Anyway, Kiley is going to be here soon. How about I help you pick something to wear?" Sae smiled, jumping up.

"What? No, I can get my own clothes, thank you very much." I said, getting up.

"Well, to tell you the truth, you really don't have a choice." Sae laughed, going through my closet.