Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ More Then Friends ❯ Chapter 2 Bonding After Adoring ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I have to say that all of the Sonic characters in this fic or mentioned do not belong to me they belong to Sega. Now as usual on with the story
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More Then Friends

Chapter 2 Bonding After Adoring

Shadow’s red eyes glanced at a certain someone, his eyes were locked on the female bat who was working on paper work, that was the way things were if you owned a club there would be loads of paper work to do.

Shadow had been staying with Rouge for a few of months now and it was good to have each others company. Everyday they would have long chats, they would laugh, watch TV and other activities that the black hedgehog would not of thought of doing things with anyone else.

But during his stay with the bat he has somehow become more closer to her then a friend, he wanted to love her but she does not know of his feelings yet. His eyes still looked at her, not her body, only her beautiful face and her alluring eyes.

Rogue finally looked up and Shadow looked away from her like a teenager in love.

Rouge smiled at Shadow and said teasingly with a wink “Saw something you liked?”

Shadow then blushed red but he made sure she did not see his face.

He then replied quickly “No.”

The white bat knew full well that something changed in the black hedgehog but she could not figure out what it was.

She put her pen down after signing the last bit of paperwork and then she said “Phew thank goodness I am done if I didn’t know better I swear I was signing my life away.”

Rouge then got out of her seat and went for the door out of her office. The office was no ordinary workplace since it looked like a bedroom with love heart pillows, nice colorful lighting and all things typical in a girls room for her age.

Before she left she asked Shadow “Lets have some fun you coming Shadow?”

Shadow shook his head to come back to the real world and said “What?”

Rouge then rephrased her sentence so he would understand “Do you wanna go round the club and have fun you know gambling and drinking.”

The black hedgehog then said “Oh sure.”

The two then left the workplace, then Rouge locked the office door and then they went down the stairs.

Rouge then asked “What did you thought I said?”

Shadow didn’t say a word trying to keep to himself like he always did with her.

She then smiled and said teasingly “Did you thought I said something that all guys dream of doing to me?”

Shadow blushed even more red and said “No I didn’t, can we just drop it.”

Rouge thought “This is not like him, usually he would just say hmph or something like that, but now I wonder if he is alright.”

Shadow looked at Rouge again, for some reason he felt the need to look at her beauty but why couldn’t he bring up the courage to tell her.

He then thought “I know I will tell her how I feel tonight then I will see how it goes from there.”

They were both quiet until they got to the club the music was playing loudly, the neon lights were flashing different fancy colors and people were cheering for winners and losers were moaning in defeat to the simple slot machine or the other type of game they played.

Shadow never played any of these games before this sort of thing was alien to him.

Rouge who was more experienced said “So what you do you want to play first, do you wanna have a go on the slot machines, go all in on poker, try your luck on the roulette wheel, in Club Rouge there should be a game to suit you.”

Shadow then said “What do you think you are an advertisement or something.”

Rouge then countered by saying “If I did do one I bet I would have more people coming then this.”

Shadow did not like the sound of that for it said to him that men would only have her for her body. Shadow should tell her now but he thought maybe later is a better time.

Rouge brought Shadow to a random table, he felt like an idiot playing a game he did not know how to play. The table he was at seemed to consist of a wheel, a small ball and many numbers going in the order of red and black but 00 was green.

Rouge gave Shadow some money to play with it was not much but $200 was enough for a starter.

He did not know what to do but the woman who ran the table was a big help when she shouted to all the people “Place your bets on the one of the numbers please.”

Shadow then placed $100 on the number 17 he thought Rouge’s age would be his lucky number.

The wheel was then spun and the ball was spun into the wheel as well, after the wheel stopped spinning the ball kept going around until it landed on 17.

The woman at the table then shouted “17 black we have a winner.”

Shadow got double the money back for winning which meant he had now $300, Rouge was then clapping for Shadow it was just like her to do that.

She then said “Are you sure you never played this game before?”

Shadow looked at her and said “No, I just followed what the woman said and I just picked any random number I could choose from.”

From there the two went to different tables Rouge joined in too, Shadow got frustrated with the simple but yet hard to get cash out of slot machines, poker and black jack were ok to Shadow but Rouge in all of the games kept her cool and held her own.

After gambling for over 1 hour and a half Shadow only had $50 but Rouge would have a lot more then him since she was the owner.

He then thought “No wonder gambling ruined people cause they would go on longer till all of the money was gone but why do such things in the first place if you are more likely going to lose.”

Rouge and Shadow then got a seat at the bar and they ordered their drinks, Rouge ordered a martini and Shadow ordered the normal everyday beer.

Rouge then asked “Did you have fun?”

Shadow just said “It was ok I guess.”

Shadow thought about telling her now but not a single word came out of his lips, god he was pathetic he thought out of all the things he did with no fear he could not bring up the courage to tell her his feelings.

Finally he said “Rouge.”

Rouge then looked at him with her alluring eyes and asked “What?”

Shadow then stuttered out shyly “I.. I want.. you.. t.. to know… I”

The male bartender then said “Here are your drinks.”

Rouge then thanked the bartender and paid him for the drinks, she then said to Shadow “Sorry what were you about to say?”

Shadow then said “I have enjoyed the time I have spent with you over the last few months.”

Rouge then said “I enjoyed it too.”

The two just started to drink their alcoholic beverages

Then they had seconds, then after having many drinks Shadow was a bit tipsy, he had more to drink then Rouge did probably about 4 more drinks then her but if he wanted to be drunk then he can be, but this was so unlike Shadow.

Rouge then decided to cut him off the alcohol and she took him back to her office to the bed so he can sleep, she carried him by putting his left arm over her shoulders and she was dragging him also making sure his air shoes didn’t ruin the carpet or anything else.

While she took him up stairs to the office the club was closing and everyone was leaving as winners or losers.

While going up the stairs Shadow looked at Rouge and said “Yous are so beautiful you knows.”

Rouge couldn’t help but grin at that comment and she replied “I know.“

When they came into the office Shadow was laid down upon the bed but he started to say in his drunken state “Rouge don’t leaves mes, please stay.”

The white bat did not know what was wrong with him, the black hedgehog seemed able to speak but not that good in some ways.

So she sat down and Shadow said “Come closers.”

She did as he asked and the next thing she knew was that Shadows lips landed onto her lips.

At first she was shocked and didn’t know what to do but Shadow was defiantly kissing her.

She was now confused why was he doing this for, she knew drunks didn’t do this they only act on emotions that they keep bottled up. She then started to kiss back but in a fit of confusion she pushed him away.

Rouge in her confusion asked him “Why in the world did you do that for?”

Shadow then said in his drunken state “Causes I loves yous.”

The white bat then thought for a moment and finally she put the pieces together the staring, the blushes, the different attitude when he was around her, everything made sense now.

But the gorgeous bat didn’t know what to say but one question she wondered though did he love her for her or her body. She didn’t know how to feel about this, the worst part was she was confused now.

She then asked “Shadow?”

No response he was asleep, the bat sighed cause he probably wont remember tomorrow. She couldn’t sleep knowing this so she started to think on this wondering if her emotions were like that for her friend would she go over the boundaries of their friendship to make it into a relationship that could work.

It seemed to her that Shadow was willing to go over that line but Rouge was in the middle of that line wondering which route to take. She started to look at Shadow being asleep he looked so innocent when he is like that.

Her thoughts were now muddled up and her feelings were mixed with worry, and maybe love but she couldn’t tell, she started to think more through the night, her decision could make them both happy or make one of them upset.


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Please review that is all I ask of you all is that you have enjoyed it and say what was good about the story also tell me if you think the plot is good I always doubt myself when it comes to this. Well an authors job is never done till next time readers.