Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ More Then Friends ❯ Chapter 3 The Talk ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- I have to say that all of the Sonic characters in this fic or
mentioned do not belong to me they belong to Sega. Now as usual on with the
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More Then Friends

Chapter 3 The Talk

Shadow woke up and clutched his head in pain. The poor hedgehog had a mother of a
hangover. He sniffed, he smelt a nice breakfast waiting for him on the table. Shadow groggily got out of bed, went to the table and sat down. The feelings of the hangover effecting him.

He started eating the full English breakfast in front of him, trying and get over the
hangover. Rouge then walked in from the kitchen with a glass of water and
some aspirin, she then set them onto the table next to the black hedgehog.

After Shadow was done with his breakfast and aspirin, Rouge sat across from

She then said "Shadow."

This got his attention as he asked "Yes?"

Rouge said to him "Last night when I brought you back to this room.."

Shadow kept listening while drinking his water and then Rouge finished off
"You said you loved me."

At that point Shadow spat out his drink and fell off of his chair, but he went
to sit down again like normal.

He then said to the bat "I was drunk wasn't I? So you cant believe me there."

Rouge then said "You also kissed me."

Shadow was now very worried should he tell her or not, maybe he should tell
her now, in the long run he was only digging his own grave.

But something held him back from saying anything to her, she looked to him
for an answer from him, to find out if it was true.

Shadow then decided to come out clean to see what she would say.

He sighed and said "Ok, I.."

He started breathing in and out to gather up his courage for this as he said
"I do love you."

It was then Rouge opened her mouth in shock, she was thinking about how would they work in a relationship and how could it last long.

Rouge was so deep in thought she forgot Shadow was there when he was waving
his hand in front of her face.

Shadow then said "Rouge, hello anybody home?"

Rouge shook herself out of her thoughts as she came to realise that she was
day dreaming.

Rouge then started to say "Shadow I don't know how to tell you this but.."

Shadow looked at her with eyes filled with hope that she would feel the same

But Rouge had to disappoint him by saying "I don't know how to feel about
this so can we just be friends?"

Shadow looked disappointed as he looked down at the floor he then thought
"Don't cry! You are the ultimate life form, don't cry in front of her." he
willed himself to look at her.

Shadow then said but with a bit of sadness in his voice "Ok I understand."

Shadow then got up and went outside the office to be alone, just when he
left tears pricked his eyes as he felt a feeling as if being shot in the

He then asked himself "Why do I feel this way, why does this hurt so much?"

Rouge was the most confused cause she felt guilty for saying that to Shadow
but it had to be like that. Because she only thought of him as a friend, but she
felt as if that was wrong to do that, almost as if it was a mistake.

She couldn't describe her emotions right now due to how long she thought on
things but she knew one thing though.

She knew that their friendship will never be the same again, she also knew
that like other friends that tried to go over the boundaries of friendship, they often
lost their friendship like that.

But the bat didn;t want to lose her friend even to this, she then thought
over of how can she cope with Shadows feelings wondering if he will still
feel love for her next time they talk.

Shadow was still outside as he tried to calm himself down but his new found
emotions seem to have control over him as tears still went down his cheeks.

His eyes were wet from the tears and they turned red from his continuous crying.

He then thought "Why am I here if I am just here to feel loss and pain, I
don't want to feel like this anymore."

But then he thought "No don't think like that, maybe she will change her
mind and plus she will not act different because of this!" he kept saying to himself.

He then got up and took a walk outside for some fresh air but little did
both of them know that things would change between them, its just the only
thing that should be asked is the change for the better or worse.


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Please review that is all I ask of you all is that you have enjoyed it and
say what was good about the story also tell me if you think the plot is good
I always doubt myself when it comes to this. Well an authors job is never
done till next time readers.

Also sorry if this is short I am very busy over here.