Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Tenchi Muyo! ½ plus Alpha (Original) ❯ Fighters, Springs, & Curses! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tenchi Muyo! ½+Alpha

Disclaimer: I do not own Street Fighter, Ranma ½, or Tenchi Muyo! They
are owned by their creators, the only characters or properties I own in
this chapter are Sho Masaki (Ryu's Son), "Femme Fatale Championship" and
Jiaoniichuan (Spring of Drowned [Scaly] Dragon); If you are going to use
Sho or "Femme Fatale Championship", but you can take the name Jiaoniichuan
or one of it's variations Quiniichuan (Spring of Drowned Young Dragon
With Horns) or Chiniichuan (Spring of Drowned Hornless Dragon), and if
you want, you can mention me...:). Only the write of Mortal Kombat: MUGEN has
the Right to take the character.

Notes: This storyline is VERY diffrent for Tenchi (It's an Alterverse),
The Story of SF Diverged before SFII, and the Ranma 1/2 Storyline diverged
before the Neko-Ken Training. Actually, that would make it an alterverse,
wouldn't it?

Talking = "I'm Ranma Saotome...Sorry about this..."
Thinking = <Oh Please, I don't believe this!>
Signs/Writing = [I'm Just a cute Panda!]

*********************************************************< br> Episode 1: "Fighters, Springs, and Curses"

Early Morning at the Masaki Household, Tenchi gets up yawning. "Same
old...same old...Can't anything new and exciting EVER Happen in my

Of course, Tenchi should have thought of another old saying...Be careful
what you wish just might get it!

* * *

Inside the Masaki Shrine. Katsuhito is looking at a postcard. It is
addressed to him, and it's from his Grandson, Sho Masaki. He knows that
Genma Saotome wouldn't be one to choose a picture of the great Wall of
China, where Sho's parents met, on the cover. He'd choose something like
a Panda, or food...And Ranma Saotome can't really write well.

[Honorable Grandfather, We are coming home from China. We've got _Alot_
to talk about...Trust me...Your grandson, Sho Masaki.]

"So...the boys are returning home...", Katsuhito said. "I wonder what
Genma has gotten them into now...I just hope that if it is something
terrible, Sho's parents go easy on Genma...After all, since he brought
BOTH boys, Nodoka will probably punish Genma enough..."

* * *

Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, a Red-haired girl is chasing after a
panda. "Hey, come on! You know Grandpa won't kill you for what happened!",
she shouted. She had a pigtail and wore a Red Chinese outfit, as well as
blue eyes, which was somewhat uncommon for a Japanese Girl...Then again,
so is Red Hair.

The Panda pulled out a sign, but didn't stop running. [It's not your
grandfather I'm worried about!] The Panda flips the sign. [It's your
Mother and your cousin's parents!]

A teenage boy, with brown hair and eyes, who was wearing a Blue Karate Gi,
Red Gloves, and a white bandanna came in front of the Panda, "Uncle Saotome,
it's not like you didn't have anybody who could translate that. Remember,
my mom _IS_ Chinese,", he crossed his arms and then the wind begun to blow
his hair and bandanna. A few people noticed a remarkable likeness to the
Greatest Street Fighter who ever lived, Ryu AS WELL as the Strongest
Woman in the World, Chun-Li.

The girl ran up to the panda and grabbed one of it's paws, "Now come on,
old man. Your _NOT_ going to weasle your way out of this one... Besides,
you don't want Sho's parents to get any more upset than they will be in
the first place... Mom will be hard enough to handle...", the girl said.
The panda gave up his fighting.

* * *

Later that day, Tenchi, Nobiyuki, Nodoka, and Sho's parents were waiting
at the shrine. Tenchi was wearing his shrine clothing, because he had some
work to do here anyway...Nobiyuki was wearing his everyday shirt and pants,
and Nodoka was wearing her Kimono. As usual, she carried around that Katana
of hers wrapped up very well.

Sho's parents were always prepared. They've known from experence that
nothing "Normal" ever seems to happen anymore around here, or in two
districts of Tokyo (Juuban & Nermia). Most of the weirdness here centered
around the Shrine. Sho's Father, Ryu, wore his ordinary martial arts Gi,
including the Red Gloves and Bandanna. Sho's Mother, Chun-Li, wore the
outfit she wears most often, ever since the Tournament Dubbed by Fans
as "Street Fighter II".

"Ranma! You've--", Sho's voice echoed.

"Later, Sho later!", a high pitched voice said.

Sho knew how this was going to go. He was INSISTING that Ranma SHOW UP in
his normal form and then he tell his parents...but Ranma-Chan, like his
namesake, won't listen. Instead, he is rushing ahead, dragging Genma-Panda
behind him. Luckily for him that it stopped Raining before he got into Tokyo...

"Who are you?", he heard Nodoka say.

"Aunt Nodoka?", Sho asked softly.

"Hello there, Sho...Who is this young lady that your with? And where are
my husband and son?", Nodoka asked.

"It's better to show you Aunt Nodoka...", Sho said as he pulled out a
tea kettle full of hot water and dumped it over Ranma's head.

"Heh...Was that what you were trying to tell me, Sho?", the now
male-Ranma said. Sho silently nodded. Ranma then sighed as he saw his
mom faint.

[Well, she took that better than I thought!], Genma-Panda's sign said.

"Let me guess," Katsuhito said, "Genma?"

Sho nodded. He pored the Water onto Genma-Panda's head, returning him to
human form.

Chun-Li was up and in Genma's face in an instant. "Genma! Did you take
my son and Ranma to Jusenkyo!?", Chun-Li shouted. Genma nodded timidly.
Chun-Li turned to her son, "Sho...Did you...get a curse too?"

Sho looked real sad and nodded, "I think we should tell you about it

* * *

Inside the shrine, when Nodoka had awakened, the group sat down to
discuss what had happened.

"It's a very long story...where should I....", Genma started.
Everybody's stares made him be quiet.

"I'll tell you what happened. You see, I really had no clue where we
were going. I didn't know about Jusenkyo myself, and Uncle Genma, he
wasn't telling EITHER of us where we were going anyway...", Sho started.

* * *
Two Months ago...

"Ah! Here sirs, we come to large cursed training ground, Jusenkyo!", the
guide said. Only Sho noticed the guide say _cursed_. "Over 500 spring
here, and each have it's very own tragidy happen there."

<Did he say _cursed_!? I thought Uncle Genma said that he asked mom to
translate the guides of the places he was going to take us!!!>

"Ready Boys?", Genma said.

"Ah man, this place ain't nearly as bad as I'd thought it'd be!", Ranma
said with a smirk.

"No. I'm not going.", Sho protested.

"Why not?", Ranma asked.

"Leave him! He's not a real martial artist....", Genma taunted.

* * *

Ryu and Chun-Li glared in anger at Genma.

"He really said that?", Tenchi asked.

"Yeah, Pop did say that. At first, I thought it was because he was
trying to coax Sho into coming, but he's been saiying and Signing that
ever since then too.", Ranma said with a bit of hate in his voice.

"We'll settle THAT Later...Continue with your story, Sho.", Chun-Li
said, trying to keep herself from killing Genma.

* * *

Ranma and Genma both Leaped ahead onto the poles.

"No Sirs! I didn't finish my Very Tragic Story!", The guid said.

"What tragic story?", Sho asked.

"Well, legend say, whoever fall in spring take body of whatever drowned
in it first...However, there is one or two spring with no curse," the
guide said.

"Ranma...", Sho muttered. He knew if he yelled out, Ranma would lose
concentration and fall into a spring. Sure, there was a 2/500 chance
he'd fall into a non-cursed spring, but that's 2/500.

Ranma ended up knocking Genma into a spring.

"What's wrong Pops!? We done already?", Ranma asked.

Suddenly a Panda Bear leapt from the spring and landed on the poles!

"What the...What the Hell is that!?", Ranma shouted while pointing at
the panda.

"Oh, too bad, you fall into Shaoniichuan, Spring of Drowned Panda...Very
Tragic Story of Panda who fell in spring 2600 Year ago, now whoever fall
in spring, take body of panda!"

"Hey buddy! You never said anything about that to us!", Ranma said. He
turned just in time to see Genma-Panda knock him into a spring!

"Ooh...Too bad...You fall into Nyannichuan, spring of Drowned Girl...
Very Tragic Story, of Young Girl who fall in spring 2500 year ago. Now,
whoever fall in spring, take body of Young Girl..."

Ranma gulped and opened up his Gi top, "AHHHHHH!", he screamed as he saw
a pair of breasts.

"See? You, young Girl!"

* * *

"That was an accident...You see..."

"Oh really? If that was an accident, explain what happened next!", Ranma

* * *

"Oh Man...", Sho said as he walked backwards. Genma suddenly leaped off
the poles at Sho and did a spinning kick.

"HEY!!! AHHH!", Sho screamed as he fell into a spring.

"Sir! You fall into Jiaoniichuan, Spring of Drowned Dragon. Very Tragic
Story about Dragon who fall into spring 2950 Year Ago, now, whoever fall
in spring, take body of Dragon!", he shouted.

[What!?], Genma-Panda signed.

Glowing blue eyes could be seen out of the Pool. "ROAAAAAAAAAR!", Tatsu-Sho
roared. His body looked sort of like a mix of European and Chinese
Dragons...With the Body of a European one, and a head that's a cross
between Chinese & European dragons. It had blue scales, and a wing-like
protrusions on his face, and yet..his face seemed to still look like
Sho...It also seemed his outfit stretched out instead of fell to
peices, and reformed themselves...very differnent than Genma's outfit...

* * *

Chun-Li turned to Genma, "I could understand if you just knocked Ranma
in that you didn't notice, but according to them, you were looking
DIRECTLY at Ranma when he changed..."

Ryu wasn't any happier with Genma, but he was silent.

"Genma...Why didn't you ask me to translate the guide?", Chun-Li asked.

"I...I...", Genma stuttered.

"Wait...I think his form is punishment enough...After all...He does have
to buy a new outfit every time he gets turned into a Panda. Besides, for
me...I was thinking...Dad, you know how you control the Satsu No Hadou,
right?", Sho asked.

"Yes, I control it by managing my Ki...", Ryu answered.

"Right...It might be possible to eventually control it the same way you
and Sakura control the Satsu No Hadou,", Sho responded.

"The what?", Both Ranma & Tenchi asked.

Chun-Li looked at her husband and nodded.

"The Satsu No Hadou is a power that was originally created for evil.
Somehow or another, Sakura, Hokuto, and I have the power in our bodies.
Luckily, Hokuto sealed hers off by a priest, as it was weaker than ours,
and Sakura and Myself learned how to control it through Ki. The Satsu No
Hadou is the same power that Akuma wields.", He explained.

"Oh...I see.", Ranma nods.

Tenchi didn't quite get it, but he didn't want to push the point any.

"It's going to be hard to go to school now. If I even get wet a little,
I'm going to end up destroying the roof.", Sho said in depression.

"Sho... You can do it... I know you can," Chun-Li told her son,

"Thanks, Mom," Sho said smiling.

"It looks like life around here has gotten more interesting.", Katsuhito

"Yeah...I just hope I don't get into any trouble because of it...",
Tenchi mumbles.

TENCHI: Ranma & I go where Grandpa has forbidden us to go to!

RANMA: You're a prude! Com'on Tenchi!

SHO: *Sigh* Well, anyway, they release a demon, and start a chain of
events, that ends in Me, Ranma, & Tenchi Fighting Against Ryoko, the
sealed demon!

CHUN-LI: See you there!

RYU: Next Time on Tenchi Muyo! ½+Alpha..."Ryoko Resurrected"

TENCHI: It's Unquestionably Dangerous!

* * *

How was that?
Send C&C to Wereryu64@MSN.Com

Yes, I know, it was too easy. However, do you REALLY Think a Dragon
could just stroll down the middle of Japan? Also, I didn't develop Tenchi
or Katsuhito much yet, because I'm not trying to make them change any from
their "Cannon" Versions...Yet. With Sho around, he'll have more confidence,
and Yes, Sho will be there in the next episodes' Scene in the School. Unlike
Ranma, Sho isn't a water magnet, so he doesn't transform too much...However,
Sho will eventually learn to warm or cool his ki to get the effect of water,
but that won't be until AFTER Kagato. Will Ranma encounter Akane? You bet!
Sorry, but I _LIKE_ Akane. In the Manga, she doesn't pound Ranma as much
as in the Anime!