Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ He She Me We II ❯ V: The Hardest Thing I'll Ever Do ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. Yu Yu Hakusho, it's story and characters, is owned by Studio Pierrot, Yoshihiro Togashi, FUNimation, and Shonen Jump.

It had been a while since he'd seen Kurama, and he had missed her terribly. He went straight to Kurama's house as soon as he had returned from the Makai. He didn't even really care if she was home or not, just being near her bedroom window would be enough for him. Fortunately, Kurama was indeed at home when he arrived, but from the look on her face, he could tell that she wasn't very happy.

She had invited him in and had told him to sit down, saying that she had something very important to say. Hiei sat down on the foot of her bed and she sat across from him, holding his hands loosely in hers. He had always enjoyed the feel of Kurama's hands. They were so soft, softer than any warriors hands should be. However, Hiei could tell that in a moment, he wouldn't been enjoying anything.

He watched as Kurama bit down on her lower lip thinking. "Kurama," he said softly. "What's wrong?"

Kurama took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Hiei," she began calmly. "You know that I care about you and that I respect you, right?" Kurama paused waiting for Hiei's reaction. When he nodded she continued. "That's why I'm going to be frank and not dance around the topic." She took one more shaky breath and mumbled something to herself. Hiei couldn't tell but it sounded like "this is the hardest thing I'll ever do." She squeezed his hands and looked him in the eyes once again. "Hiei... I think we should break up."

The world seemed to move in slow motion after that. He couldn't believe what Kurama had just said to him. He looked at him with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open for what seemed like forever. He felt hot tears begin to form in his eyes but he shut them tightly, refusing to let his tears fall.

No! he thought. This can't be happening! He can't mean that!

"Kurama," he choked. "Tell me this is just a joke."

Kurama was quite for a moment before he finally spoke. "I'm sorry Hiei," he whispered.

"Why?" he whispered looking down at his hands. Kurama was still holding them, but he held them so loosely that Hiei didn't even feel them anymore. Hiei grabbed onto them, squeezing them until they began to turn white and Kurama flinched in shock and pain. "Why are you saying this!? Why are you breaking up with me!? We weren't even together for a year!"

Kurama did his best to get Hiei's hands off of his, but the fire demon just wouldn't let go. "Hiei please!" Kurama pleaded. "Your hurting me!"

"Why are you breaking up with me Kurama!" Hiei demanded rather than asked.

"Because this isn't working!" Kurama said harshly. "It's too hard for us to be together! I'm just not comfortable around you in public... or in private. I thought I could do this, for you if not for me, but I just... I just can't." Tears began to well up in his eyes as well. Seeing this Hiei did the only thing he could think of, he hugged her. He held her tightly against him.

"Don't do this," he begged. "Don't leave me." He felt so weak and vulnerable, like an exposed wound, but that's what this was. Kurama had just ripped his heart out, and now he's been weakened by that. "I love you," he whimpered.

"No you don't," Kurama whispered.

Hiei pulled him back so that they were looking at each other eye to eye. "W-what...?" he asked, hoping Kurama didn't just say what he had thought.

Kurama leaned in close to him, his face red with anger. "No. You. Don't," he said low and quietly so that only he and Hiei could hear. He was shaking with anger now. "You don't love Kurama."


Kurama stood up from his spot on the bed so that Hiei could see his full height and that, despite the fact that he was in a girl's body, he was still taller than him. "You don't love Kurama! You love Shuichi! You love Shuichi Minamino, because she's a weak human girl and you like the idea that you can dominate her!"


"Would you love me still if I was a man? Would you? No. You wouldn't! Hiei wake up! This whole time you were in lust not love! It didn't work out, it can't work out, and it'll never work out between you and me!"

He looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say. He was afraid to say anything, afraid that what Kurama said had been true. Maybe he really did only love Shuichi, after all, he had only had feelings for Kurama like this. When ever he saw him in his Yoko form, he would always long for Shuichi. There was nothing he could do now. Nothing he could say. Kurama was going to leave him. He put his hand over his heart just to see if it was still beating.

"But... we're soul mates..."

Kurama turned his back to him. "If we were," he began, "we wouldn't be having this argument."

He didn't want to move. He didn't want to leave. The second he left the room, it would all be over. His time with Kurama would just be a memory. I didn't think it would end like this he thought. I thought we'd spend the rest of our lives together.

"I think you should go now Hiei..." Kurama said softly to him.

Hiei felt the tears in his eyes over flow and run down on his checks*. Fine, he was crying. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care about anything anymore. Kurama wasn't his anymore. Life has no meaning anymore. With that he turned and left the room.

He stood there. He waited a good few minutes until he was sure that Hiei was gone before he broke down on the floor and cried. I'm so sorry Hiei! he thought I didn't know this would be so hard! He placed his hand over his heart, just to see if it was still beating.

know that some people think that when Hiei cries, he cries tear gems like Yukina, but I don't think that that's a fact so I didn't write it in.