Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Mafia

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fan Fiction Index

Volume One, Chapter One: Hitch Up ( Chapter 1 )
Volume One, Chapter Two: Scheme ( Chapter 2 )
Volume One, Chapter Three: Meeting ( Chapter 3 )
Volume One, Chapter Four: Promise ( Chapter 4 )
Volume Two, Chapter Five: Huntress ( Chapter 5 )
Volume Two, Chapter Six: Contract ( Chapter 6 )
Volume Two, Chapter Seven: Charm ( Chapter 7 )
Volume Two, Chapter Eight: Date ( Chapter 8 )
Volume Three, Chapter Nine: Wine ( Chapter 9 )
Volume Three, Chapter Ten: Errands ( Chapter 10 )
Volume Three, Chapter Eleven: Plot ( Chapter 11 )
Volume Three, Chapter Twelve: Tough Luck ( Chapter 12 )
Volume Four, Chapter Thirteen: Small Talk ( Chapter 13 )
Volume Four, Chapter Fourteen: Red Tape ( Chapter 14 )
Volume Four, Chapter Fifteen: Truth ( Chapter 15 )
Volume Four, Chapter Sixteen: Date with Satan ( Chapter 16 )
Volume Five, Chapter Seventeen: Vacation ( Chapter 17 )
Volume Five, Chapter Eighteen: My Way ( Chapter 18 )
Volume Five, Chapter Nineteen: Cross Fork ( Chapter 19 )
Volume Five, Chapter Twenty: Conference ( Chapter 20 )
Volume Six, Chapter Twenty-One: Princess in Love ( Chapter 21 )
Volume Six, Chapter Twenty-Two: Time is Running Out ( Chapter 22 )
Volume Six, Chapter Twenty-Three: Escape Thought ( Chapter 23 )
Volume Six, Chapter Twenty-Four: I Own You ( Chapter 24 )
Volume Seven, Chapter Twenty-Five: Bugs ( Chapter 25 )
Volume Seven, Chapter Twenty-Six: Cargo Traffic ( Chapter 26 )
Volume Seven, Chapter Twenty-Seven: Escapee ( Chapter 27 )
Volume Seven, Chapter Twenty-Eight: Rich Dream ( Chapter 28 )
Volume Eight, Chapter Twenty-Nine: Snake Wolf ( Chapter 29 )
Volume Eight, Chapter Thirty: Red Blood Petals ( Chapter 30 )
Volume Eight, Chapter Thirty-One: Mob Rose ( Chapter 31 )
Volume Eight, Chapter Thirty-Two: War! ( Chapter 32 )
Volume Nine, Chapter Thirty-Three: Mouse ( Chapter 33 )
Volume Nine, Chapter Thirty-Four: Old Carp ( Chapter 34 )
Volume Nine, Chapter Thirty-Five: Cold Summer ( Chapter 35 )
Volume Nine, Chapter Thirty-Six: Russian Blossoms ( Chapter 36 )
Volume Ten, Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Rats Gather ( Chapter 37 )
Volume Ten, Chapter Thirty-Eight: Ego Clash ( Chapter 38 )
Volume Ten, Chapter Thirty-Nine: Bargain Promise ( Chapter 39 )
Volume Ten, Chapter Forty: The Good Saint ( Chapter 40 )
Volume Eleven, Chapter Forty-One: Blood Wedding ( Chapter 41 )
Volume Eleven, Chapter Forty-Two: Sour Times ( Chapter 42 )
Volume Eleven, Chapter Forty-Three: Burns ( Chapter 43 )
Volume Eleven, Chapter Forty-Four: Dirty Ties ( Chapter 44 )
Volume Twelve, Chapter Forty-Five: Party's Over ( Chapter 45 )
Volume Twelve, Chapter Forty-Six: Trial ( Chapter 46 )
Volume Twelve, Chapter Forty-Seven: Waste ( Chapter 47 )
Volume Twelve, Chapter Forty-Eight: Reflections ( Chapter 48 )
Volume Thirteen, Chapter Forty-Nine: Trail to Trail ( Chapter 49 )
Volume Thirteen, Chapter Fifty: Big Rotten Apple ( Chapter 50 )
Volume Thirteen, Chapter Fifty-One: Fair Lady ( Chapter 51 )
Volume Thirteen, Chapter Fifty-Two: Fight Night ( Chapter 52 )
Volume Fourteen, Chapter Fifty-Three: Blood for Wine ( Chapter 53 )
Volume Fourteen, Chapter Fifty-Four: New Blood and Traps ( Chapter 54 )
Volume Fourteen, Chapter Fifty-Five: Green Babies ( Chapter 55 )

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