InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Beads & Bones ❯ Gone With The Wind ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gone With The Wind
Since the moment she had met him, it had been a force to be reckoned with. Sheltered underneath cloth and beads, she wondered occasionally why the kazaana never sucked in the cloth. She understood the beads were holy (too bad they didn't come with a spell attached, like InuYasha's)… but the cloth?
Sango had a great many questions about the kazaana she asked herself in the dark of the night. Where did everything go once it was sucked in? Inside Miroku? The shouki marked him - why not the oni or trees or rocks? One night she stifled a somewhat hysterical giggle as she wondered: if he sucked up a seed and enough water, would it start to grow? Flowers growing from Miroku's dark head… the images amused her as the possibility frightened her.
Moments later, hot tears of shame had crawled down her cheeks. The kazaana was no laughing matter.
Sango never asked her questions… but she always wondered.
She told herself it was her warrior's upbringing: a need to understand potential foes… and promised husband or not, Houshi-sama was a force to be reckoned with. If not Houshi-sama himself, then the hole that held his right hand hostage.
Like Kohaku, Miroku, too, was held under Naraku's hold. Kohaku could be killed at any time by Naraku's whims… her fiancé could be just as unfortunate. Unlike Kohaku, though, her Houshi-sama would go out fighting. Of that, she was positive.
And unlike Kohaku - she knew she would never, ever recover if she lost Miroku.
Sango clung to him, still able to hear Kirara's anxious snarls, Shippou's helpless wails from beyond the barrier Kagome had unwillingly erected. Kagome sobbed soundlessly; there was no talking Sango out of this, even Miroku had been unable… InuYasha swore, loudly, watching on powerlessly. Even if it hadn't been his human night, he would have been unable to do anything but watch.
It was over in an inexplicable flash of light - the black hole burst.
All that remained was a crater…
As their friends were caressed by a dying gust of wind.
Originally posted to LiveJournal on June 27, 2009
Word Count: 345
Prompt: “Wind”