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"She Who the Prophecy Foretold" Reviews/Comments [ 489 ]
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 Title: wow
Reviewed By: Monk-Miko  On: December 21, 2007 21:50 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I wonder what will happen now. This chapter was a great chapter. I'm just know getting to write it because something was wrong with my computer. Ohhh, Sesshoumaru really told that girl Momoko. And she believed that she could get Sesshoumaru, haha. That was a funny part especially when Sesshoumaru told her that she was pregnant. I wonder what she would do now. Then he smelled all those men on her. That had to be one bad smell. That was cute how you made him not understand what a thong was and Kagome had to show him. I wonder when Hojo will get it through his head that Kagome is not avaliable. I can't believe that he still thinks that he is a thug. I wonder what Sesshoumaru will tell Hojo when he finds him. I just can't wait for the next chapter. This is getting really good. Sorry for the late update, I'll be sure to keep it up even if my computer goes wrong cause this story is getting to good to stop reading. I still can't believe that you are already ahead about 4 or 5 chapters that good. Your doing a really good job. Hope to see another chapter soon. Keep up the good work.
 Title: Ello Writer
Reviewed By: Sesshomaru_Kagome_lover_4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 21, 2007 01:40 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ello...before I start typing no i'm not Austraillian...I just LOVE how they talk all the time...but anyways...I SO F****ing LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::makes a pouting face and crosses arms over chest::You left me at a cliffhanger!! You meany::says in a joker-ish voice:: I really do like it though!! I've been reading it for a long time now and found out that...I JUST CAN"T GET ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! And when you stop updating this story I WILL KEEP READING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh...Yeah...Hi...I'm your NEW FANFIC BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do Like the designs you described of the markings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well please have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: inuluver4everhotmailcom [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 20, 2007 20:58 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This keeps rockin! i really like where your going with this.... but wheres Naraku been hiding all this time? so keep up the great work that your doin!!!!!
 Reviewed By: snowbirdyoukai  On: December 20, 2007 20:18 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I guess I'll just have to suck it up and grab onto my patience with both hands and wait for THE LEMON. Thank you for the "wifebeater" explanation. Your description was so true and hilarious. So all it is a plain old T-shirt. Before I became an adopted Texan 25 years ago, I was a 100% hillbilly. I know those shirts well. Especially the rolled up sleeve on one side, making it like a pocket to hold a pack of cigarettes. I come from the hills of KY and TN. Kouga = dumb and dumber; Hojo = dangerously delusional to the point he could harm Kagome. So eager to see what Sesshoumaru does to them. As for the children, they have me on the edge of my chair waiting for them to go into action.
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 20, 2007 02:39 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*grins* You should write crime novels! You are great at depicting a maniac. You seem to know just how they think. Are you sure you are sane yourself? ;) Can't wait to see what Sesshoumaru does to the poor guy. XD
 Reviewed By: bettychan  On: December 19, 2007 20:53 EST
Waaah!! Don't stop there. It was just getting good. Seriously though, the chapters since I last reviewed have been great. I love the way you gave Sessh's arm back. It was perfect. Even the pain. If one thinks about it, it would hurt like hell to regrow a limb like that. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what the Band of Nine are cooking up for the stupid wolves. Speaking of stupid, do unicorns live in Hojo's little world? Will he be riding one when he rides up to save Kagome? I'd almost pay money to see Sessh have a little "talk" with Hojo. Please update as soon as you can. Tis a fine tale ye be telling m'lady.
 Reviewed By: BluEyedTigress [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 20:41 EST
*whips out a glittering sword* Avast, ye fool!! *swings at the lunkhead* Ye twit for brains! Ha-ah! Take that! And ThAt! AND THAT! *konks Hojo again and agian and again until he resembles a nail in the dirt...rumpled head of hair and crossed-eyes and all!* *wipes brow with back of hand* Whew! That was fun! XD Now... where's this Momoko-person? *creepy eye scan of the area* Never fear! I shall find ye, ya block-headed git! Ye traipsing lug o' trash! Avast! Blast ye!!!!!!!! *goes swinging off on a handy vine that appears mid-air!* *pips back in* Loved the chappie, chap! Wait up for me! Sesshy!!!!!!!!!!!*is gone again in a flash of glitter and poofy smoke!*
 Reviewed By: Ethereal Siren [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 19:30 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome chapter! I can't wait to see exactly what Sesshoumaru does to Hojo. I hope that Hojo is too scared to play off of Sesshoumaru's insecurities... Being as off kilter as he is for now, he might let that affect him... And I'm glad that the kids did some spying. Maybe they won't be too harsh with Genta and Hakaku if they were able to notice that they were questioning Kouga and not enthusiastically plotting with him. ...maybe
 Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 19:19 EST
Holy Cow! You had me laughing all through this chapter. I LOVE what you had Sess say to the school whore. That had me snickering out loud. She asked for it! All this tension is building and building... I may have to turn on the A/C as this keeps going. I love the anticipation. Keeps me checking back for more. (grin) Hojo's never going to recover from the "conversation" coming up. I just hope Hojo doesn't inadvertently press any hot buttons with Sessoumaru. (on the other hand... the chance for comedy.... ahhh... LOL)
 Reviewed By: sugar0o [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 18:17 EST
yanno... Kouga's just as thick headed as Hojo, maybe their related.
 Reviewed By: sugar0o [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 18:15 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well i'm still hooked! merry holiday and all if you don't get a chance to update before then, actually i love this story i don't think i'll ever get tired of it. its just s0o0o0o0o interesting. I can't wait to see what Sess does to Hojo to get him to not be so obsessed with Kags, i also can't wait to see what the kids and yasha do to the wolves, and what kags and sess do to them. I have this feelings alls going to go fantastic, but then kouga's gunna loose it and get the pups all messed up and then kags'll go ape-shyt for hurting her kids. that would be fantastic. i'm just so utterly in love with this story. as always wonderful job - r0o
 Reviewed By: SexyLips [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 18:11 EST
OOHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! This is SOOOOO Good! I cant wait for the next chappie, hehehe hobo is gonna get it LOL, ya know i kinda feel bad for mokomoko?? did i spell it right, poor thing, hopefully she can find happiness, maybe with hojo??? that would be kinda sweet. Anyway, love it, live it and i breath off of your story, i will be holding my breath untill your next update.....please dont wait too long!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
 Title: syoze
Reviewed By: syoze [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 17:17 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ok im guessing its like 5pm in the states, well its almost 7am thursday here. why am i up so early u say? well this is one of those 'participate & learn' eco lodges. my job u ask? im attending to horses. y? i like horses & i didnt want to make sushi for breakfast, cant stand the smell of fish in the morning. well the dsl is cool but to get hot water u have to put wood in the furnace thingy & its just wierd. well anyway im leaving in 2 days saturday here, friday in the states to return to tokyo. yes im leaving fresh air & even fresher food (the pig i saw the 1st day we got here, i ate him 4 dinner 2 nights ago)for a smog infested over crowded city. anyway great chapter & im glad hojo will be getting his ass kicked by sesshomaru. & i know its for 'creative' purposes but could you not insult lord sesshomaru? i dont find him to be any of those things. um let the game begin kids are going to terrify koga cant wait til next chpater one love syoze p.s. its cold here we might even get some snow be4 i leave
 Reviewed By: child_of_the_moon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2007 16:24 EST
Nyeh. I really can't wait for what the kids are going to do to Kouga. And Hojo! OMG I think I just about died when I read the part about him following Sesshoumaru and Kagome. XD I hope he pees his pants. That was mean. Anyways, I'm so unbelievably happy because Drivers Ed ends tonight!! I just have to pass the test and I'm good to go! ^-^ Anywho, please update soon!!
 Reviewed By: Sunset Love  On: December 19, 2007 16:02 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
1st-ASS is back up and you are able to post if you were not aware. 2nd-Your story gets better and better with every chapter and i am really looking foward towards the next chapter. I will admit you have me stumped with the title a bit. I hope that you will be able to post the next chapter up tommrow hopefuly. I cant wait to see what Sesshoumaru does to Hojo(man is he stupid, my opinion but you can disagree) Please dont keep me waiting. I am looking foward to the chapter that i asked you to do on Dec 28, my birthday. GAMBATE
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