Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Cove

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fan Fiction Index

Lovely Stranger ( Chapter 1 )
Sunrise/Karasu ( Chapter 2 )
Training ( Chapter 3 )
Kasumi's Attack ( Chapter 4 )
A Nice Evening Dinner ( Chapter 5 )
Kasumi's Mission ( Chapter 6 )
Off They Go ( Chapter 7 )
Karasu and Kasumi's Corruption Dance ( Chapter 8 )
Hisako and Coni ( Chapter 9 )
Bus Stop in the Rain ( Chapter 10 )
Older Sister ( Chapter 11 )
Kasumi's First Love ( Chapter 12 )
New Baggage ( Chapter 13 )
Sunshine Town ( Chapter 14 )
A Spotted Cloud ( Chapter 15 )
My Sister's Mind ( Chapter 16 )
Kameko's Past ( Chapter 17 )
Into the Chi Blue ( Chapter 18 )
Karasu's Chariot ( Chapter 19 )
Two Sufferers ( Chapter 20 )
New Baggage II ( Chapter 21 )
What is the Cove? ( Chapter 22 )
Child Village ( Chapter 23 )
Memory Touch ( Chapter 24 )
House of Souls ( Chapter 25 )
Southern Movers ( Chapter 26 )
Cove's Mystery ( Chapter 27 )
The Water Hole ( Chapter 28 )
Scent of the Woman ( Chapter 29 )
One Day in the Water Hole ( Chapter 30 )
First Night In ( Chapter 31 )
First Rivalry ( Chapter 32 )
Rainy Night In ( Chapter 33 )
Reunion ( Chapter 34 )
The Past I ( Chapter 35 )
Kasumi's Heart ( Chapter 36 )
Boy is Dreaming ( Chapter 37 )
Midnight Duel Invitation ( Chapter 38 )
Love ( Chapter 39 )
Righteous Path I ( Chapter 40 )
Dining Hall Pondering ( Chapter 41 )
Soul House Keeper ( Chapter 42 )
New Friend ( Chapter 43 )
Shopping Day ( Chapter 44 )
Let's Go! ( Chapter 45 )
Baggage III ( Chapter 46 )
Wash My Soul ( Chapter 47 )
Darkness Child ( Chapter 48 )
Heading Out and Joining Up ( Chapter 49 )
What Makes the Soul of a Man? ( Chapter 50 )
Leaf Water Village Pt.1 ( Chapter 51 )
Seeds of Doubt ( Chapter 52 )
Kasumi's Hell ( Chapter 53 )
Trap for Ryuji ( Chapter 54 )
Fire River to Resolve ( Chapter 55 )
Poison Red Dots ( Chapter 56 )
Poor Little Princess ( Chapter 57 )
Soldiering On ( Chapter 58 )
Turmoil ( Chapter 59 )
Breaking Through ( Chapter 60 )
Declaration of War and Prelude to the Truth ( Chapter 61 )
Ryuji's Vow of Love ( Chapter 62 )
Regrouping and Moving Forward ( Chapter 63 )
The Wi Family ( Chapter 64 )
Kameko, House of Souls ( Chapter 65 )
House of Souls Origin ( Chapter 66 )
Birth of the House of Souls ( Chapter 67 )
Voices in Her Head ( Chapter 68 )
You are Not Alone ( Chapter 69 )
On the Lonely Road ( Chapter 70 )
Shinigami Road ( Chapter 71 )
Long Walk to Somewhere ( Chapter 72 )
Downpour Memories ( Chapter 73 )
Hunted ( Chapter 74 )
Fallen Princess ( Chapter 75 )
Uncomfortable Team Bonding (Pt 1.) ( Chapter 76 )
Uncomfortable Team Bonding Pt. 2 ( Chapter 77 )
Kasumi's Vow ( Chapter 78 )
Meeting Up ( Chapter 79 )
Wrestling Merger ( Chapter 80 )
Origin of the Fall ( Chapter 81 )
Road of the Dead ( Chapter 82 )
True Heir ( Chapter 83 )
Origin of the Sword ( Chapter 84 )
Resolution to End ( Chapter 85 )
Prisoner ( Chapter 86 )
Exit to the Land ( Chapter 87 )
Poisoning the Cove ( Chapter 88 )
Road of the Dead Redux ( Chapter 89 )
March of Death ( Chapter 90 )
Blood Choir ( Chapter 91 )
The Green Serpent ( Chapter 92 )
Teaming Up ( Chapter 93 )

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